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I like the colors in this, the clouds and waves and the beach all appear in really different shades. The stars appearing at the top looks nice, and the aplmtree silloutess are a powerful effect, shadows look good too. Looking at it in original size the sky is almost too bright, but as small version it looks good. Keep it up!


seltekkodes responds:

Thank you, I thought about trying to deepen the colors on the sky, maybe just use a translucent layer over it to darken it some, but Haven't tried it.

Ah, another interesting style of Foamy. The eyes squinted like that instead of the typical round is a nice effect, and completely transforms the character. Feels like the tail has a bit too little detail, no shadow or anything, it stands out like a clump of gray matter. Otherwise this is a nice sketch. Keep it going!


Just 10 minutes?! Damn, wish I could draw something like his that fast. With the background texture and scribbling, it looks like it took considerably more time to make. In difference to the regular style of drawing, this one looks pretty realistic. I guess it's all about the eyes looking nofmral. Foamy stands out as the crazed squirrel lunatic he is. :D Really nice sketch!


lmao, you can't mess with Angry Faic! It's nice how there are faces in everything here. the sun, the.. eh, tree (Behemoth)?, and yeah, obviously the characters too. Shapes are a bit ackwards but I appreciate the effort put into details like grass, shading, etc. Keep it up!


TheB055 responds:

Thank you! More like this coming check the art fourm

I like it! Someone anything with a ship feels like a notion of freedom. I like the background texture and how the waves are just constituted of lines. Reminds me of a stamp somehow. the curls that reach into the hull, the swirls on the clouds, the strange creatures hanging from the clouds, they're all interesting additions, and the ship itself looks great! Looks realistic.

No comments on how you made this? That's always interesting to read. Look forward to more!


sisho responds:

Thank you!
Well, they're all vectors made in illustrator. I usually sketch the whole scene in a paper, then scan it and vetorize it. I also used some photo reference for the ship, cause i wanted it to look more realistic.
It's a bit of a time consuming and lame method, but since i've never got used to digital tables, I started drawing this way.
Soon I'll be posting more.


Hah, Mona Lisa in pixel form is still undone, maybe, that would be cool. This is a nice twist to a classic painting, though you can still add a lot of detail to it. Her clothing is just a patch of white, no shading or anything. Nice start; hope you continue it!


DriedSquidHero responds:

Yeah, I wanted to go in-depth with Peach here but restricting her to the original color palette makes a much stronger connection to her original sprite. It's a trade off I'm willing to make :q

Thank you very much for the review.

That girl has really creepy eyes! Hair flowing down on her forehad like magma too. Somehow it looks like a bit like she's just layered infront of the wolf the way she's not affecting the wolf at all, not casting a shadow or putting some weight in the fur or anything. Great expressions, and fluent/spiky shapes. Would be cool with some fiery effects too, like a burning mane? Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

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