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lmao, insane idea indeed! Reminds me of the Adams Family hand, though that one didn't have an eye, and as far as I know he wasn't from France either. I don't know what I would do, probably go crazy. The picture itself is a bit chubby, fingers look unnaturally thick and wrinkly compared to the rest of the hand, but the shape otherwise is good. Makes it seem a bit more like a creature that looks like a hand than just a hand. Keep it up!


First time I see a poster made all in pixel art. It looks awesome. The text style reminds me of old games, oldskool and artistic, and the picture is great, depicts both personalities and a menace behind them. The combination of pixel art and anime-style characters is rather new, too, at least I donä't think I've come across something like it earlier. Looks great!


Nice work! The pixels are crisp and simple, gradients of gray work well in shading the clothing, and the red pattern is a nice addition. The skin color is a lot cleaner, not as much shading at all cept around the eyes and nose, but it looks good. Keep it going!


JakeTiDe responds:

Thanks ;)

I like this sketch, it has a lifely feeling to it, and the mixture of thick and thin outlines works well. Realistic features too. The photo of it is a bit dark, but maybe that's a good thing. Nice work!


LeTravino responds:

Sadly, it's so dark because I didn't have a scanner at the time. This was actually a photo of my drawing taken on my phone <_<

Come to think of it, I should really scan it.

Nice. This Cubone looks almost like a real animal, like a ... beaver... maybe. The fur and shading look realistic, and the eye makes him/her/it look so... helpless. Even the way Cubones holding the bone is more like its hugging the bone than really using it as a weapon. Brings a whole new dimension to Pokemon! Nice work!


caimryo responds:

Thank you very much of your comment! i really appreciate it! ^-^

lol, this was not what I was expecting! Those completely out-of-proportion eyes are insane, haha, and mirroring the character with different hair color and skin tone? Awesome. This is art! :D


Looks cool. The simple black and green coloring for the bot works well, even with only two-bit coloring all outlines are easily seen. Looks a bit strange with some fingers and part of the arms the same color as the background though, or they supposed to like that? Keep it going!


Looks like the cheetah in GTA. I guess they made it after this model. :) It looks smooth, fluid and realistic! Would be interesting to know what program you used to make this? Also, I'm wondering how it looks on the other side, if it is a model? Nice work!


YunchiMan responds:

I used a free program called Blender and to make you happy I'll upload some more views of the model!

This makes me think of Weed. :) I like the glow in the green, and the way it all seems to flow and spread out on the screen. Nice contrast between the colors, and a nice pattern, looks like a plant in earth a little. Nice work!


beguilbertd responds:

Thanks for appreciate this piece

Bamboo Shoots!

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