Här finns lite mer om Sergeant Mark IV utspelet; https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/2y23eb/the_brutal_doom_fiasco/
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04
Här finns lite mer om Sergeant Mark IV utspelet; https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/2y23eb/the_brutal_doom_fiasco/
Tackar. Intressant läsning. Delade meningar om han är sociopat eller bara har riktigt mörk humor där...
Jag tror knappast han är sociopat, bara väldigt mörksinnad som sagt
Mmm, sociopat skulle vara en lämplig ursäkt annars.
prata om brutal: http://imgur.com/qEVg9lp
Looks like a Brutal Doom mod won't be needed for the sequel. :) Almost too brutal when it's graphical like this, blood and guts in pixel is so... easy on the eye! Still looking forward to it though.
whatever you do don't watch the movie Green Inferno
Reverse psychology hmm, it's working! :/
Nu kan man förboka Doom CE hos Gamestop, precis som jag föredrar! :)
Hmm 120$, och så säger dom att dom har lågprisgaranti. :) Verkar ganska najs ändå!
Bokat Doom CE! Åh helvete vad grymt det ska bli! Bara väntat sen 2004 efter att jag klarat både Doom 3 och dess expansion såatt...
Det var ett tag. :) Hinner knappt med vanliga spel nuförtiden, men det här blir klart undantaget.
Min bror tog en veckas semester när Fallout 4 kom ut. Ska du det med? Haha
Jag är (lyckligtvis?) arbetslös så jag har all tid i världen :)
Tror inte jag får det. :) Men någon längre helg blir det kanske! Arbetar inte riktigt heltid, så jag kan iallafall fixa till någon extra dag innan/efter helgen. Mmm, lite avundas jag arbetslösheten så många verkar njuta av, men det är ganska skönt att ha ett syfte också; få lön för mödan. Så säger jag iallafall för att få jobbet att verka värt det. :P Bäst att njuta av all den ledighet man kan!
ever seen Cloud Atlas?
Hmm no I don't think so! Looks like something I might like. Recommended?
highly recommended. it's got mixed reviews, but it's truly one of the most astoundingly astute and provocative movies ever. I think it's worthy of a prestigious CyberD 5/5.
I'll try not to get hyped up to the a point where my expectations cannot possible be exceeded and prestigious ratings may be hard to give. ;) Just the poster looked amazing though, will give it a watch soon.
Hittade skönaste loopen :D
Haha, med musik också! Var ju t.o.m. bättre än: http://i.imgur.com/AJ6TEaV.gif
Haha, Doomguy got SWAG!
Fo rizzle
ever tried spelling dog food lid backwards?
lol no, I hadn't. XD Nice one.
Ever get accused of being dyslexic for spelling your first name backwards?
But I always spell it forwards too. They have nothing to accuse me of!
Okay, enough witticisms, when the hell are you going to play GTA 5? It's the perfect traveling carnival (like from Pinocchio, the one that turned wayward kids into donkeys? In this game you can turn into a number of creatures if you happen to find a peyote plant).
I'm shocked there haven't been any threads for multiplayer/GTA:O in the Games part of the BBS, especially since it's been out on consoles since, what, late 2013?
It's big, over 60GB, and the install from 7 (or so) DVD's is insane, as is the time it takes to patch and add content online, but God's balls, it's completely worth it. Have you dared to watch any let's plays?
lol, man, didn't know about the peyote plants! I have played GTA V though, bought the downloadable version cheap sometime around the shift of years, though I haven't had nearly as much time to explore as I'd like to. Such a huge world though. I'm the type who can just drive around for hours, forget about missions.
And multiplayer. Sticking to solo mode so far. But yeah, you'd think the community would be bigger.
I was actually surprised at how smoothly it downloaded considering the size, and you could leave it at any time, then come back later and keep downloading. I don't like relying on the net to keep the game working, but so far it's all going smoothly. Have you run into any errors yourself? Nope, no let's plays. I'd rather play when I can.
MP scared me too, but if you press ahead with story mode, you'll be well prepared for the online experience. There's so many different vehicles and MP matches, but you can customize each round in so many ways. Non-contact races, Passive mode, plenty of tools for those testing the waters.
I might start a thread in Clubs/Crews just to see how many NGer's are in the battle, maybe even start an NG crew... think you can join up to 8 different crews. A few bugs in MP, none in story mode, some of the bugs were bad enough to reboot, but it's rare. There's a few assholes out there looking for a high kill ratio, but I've had a lot of fun. Considering my gaming roots, sure beats the fuck out of Pong. I like to play fair in races too, made some friends that way
Sounds promising! Passive mode especially. I've just never played the GTA games with others... was what I was about to say, but actually the first time I ever played GTA it was on a LAN at school. Since then though, it always felt like a story-driven kind of game, one you immerse yourself into the world of to get the most of.
8 crews in-game? lol yeah, I imagine it's a bit better than Pong. Reminds me btw, I haven't stumbled upon any in-game arcade games in GTA V yet, I guess you know if there are? Tennis was unexpected fun though. Assuming there's a bunch of mini-games when it comes to sports.
That's true. But you still always spell it backwards...so you can understand the mixup, right??
Mmm I'll understand if some dyslexics get it wrong. ;)
Yeah, unlike Fallout 4, there aren't any videogame mini-games in GTA V. You get 3 daily (real time) objectives which you can do to get RP and a bit of cash, and some of those point you to arm wrestling, odd ball races, that kinda thing.
You used to LAN GTA 2? I found a very old newspost here by someone who wanted to play that online, but was having trouble. FYI the biggest NG crew seems to be Xx_newgrounds_xX at 141 members. If all goes well tonight, I'll make a semi-anal thread in clubs/crews... I'd like to join a crew that has active members here.
Haven't stumbled upon any arm wrestling yet, but a few races. Strange they skipped the arcade games though, they had some fun ones back in GTA SA. I also liked the RPG elements of that game, where you had to eat and stay buff to keep your health up, was hoping they'd re-introduce them, though it is easier without...
GTA 1, the original. I've barely played the second. That was over a decade ago, though, after GTA 3 the top-down experience just isn't the same. Once you go 3D it's hard to go back... except with Worms. 3D with that just didn't work.
How's that crewing going btw?
I'm like the reverse Wolfenstein. I can't look left or right just up or down.
Heh, think nodding of it!
So far so good! It's just going way too fast.
Jag tror jag fick reda på det i en tråd på ZDoom forumen, där någon försökte göra något liknande. Tror projektet hette Re-Exhumed. Det såg jävligt bra ut och hade de två första banorna klara. Jag har inte sett tråden på länge dock, så den verkar inte uppdateras längre :(
Cyberdevil (Updated )
Ah, hittade den: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=47821
Verkar ju riktigt lovande. Powerslave allmänt påminner en hel del om Serious Sam-spelen (som jag också kört alldeles för mycket - hittade nyligen HD versionerna på Steam med 90% rabatt så det blev ett riktigt nostalgimarathon där), kanske är inspirationen bakom dom just Powerslave! Powerslave Ex-sidan finns iallafall här: https://powerslaveex.wordpress.com/
...och filer kan Googlas fram om man vill - bäst att inte lägga in en direktlänk här. Verkar ha blivit en helt fungerande beta version innan projektet slopades iaf! Blir roligt att prova. Får se vilken variant som verkar bäst.