The daily update on artist blogs, flash, music, art, etc kind of feed, or the message kind of feed? because i was talking about the 1st one.
Vampires awaiting by campfires, is not a song, is not a film, is not a book, is not a game, is just salad dressing, roasted night blood flavored menstruation for your caption, is guaranteed to ruin your salad, or make you a pervert with a thing for vampires.
That is a lot of screen hacking!
Oh it has to do with demons and doom? cool!
No, wait man, don't you see that cute simple things are what sell! you can still put dem puppies! or kittens... or... agh, no... aaaaaaaaarghh, or... ponies. You should definitively go with demon puppies.
Where is WI/HT? and How to WI/HT? lol, now i see the irony. Damn a bunch of those latest post are by you, go figures you have the answers!
The news??