Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




Joined on 1/17/04

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maybe you had that privilege revoked because you used to post 200 blog posts a day lmao

lol, maybe, but if the limit for front page posts was 14/day anyway it shouldn't have mattered. They had to have had some form of qualification filter though, if everyone could post on the front page it'd have been a mess.

it was kind of a mess. perhaps why Tom switched it to only people who had a top 5 or medal could make front page posts :(

It was? Man you remember way more than I do on this topic, sounds logical though. What I'm really missing though is the option to see the staff news column, that's completely hidden away now, there's not even a link to it anymore, though it does exist: http://www.newgrounds.com/news/

yep...the "riff raff" (non-artist news) is also obscured as well but it exists http://www.newgrounds.com/news/community

old redesign blog page > new design blog page

Woah woah woah, so the http://www.newgrounds.com/news/artists I've been browsing these last years has only listed a slice of all them blogs. Revelations....


1) Two to choose from, and I suppose they could be narrowed down if necessary. For example, collections like "Assassin", "Ninjas and Samurai", "Sticks" and "Ultra Violence" could be classified under a section named "Violence". That way they should be pretty easy to find.

2) Remember the good old days when nobody's flash had an icon? The only flashes that did, had been frontpaged haha. And then one day it was possible to upload icons, but lots of old flashes didn't get updated. Luckily, the admins came up with a system that had other users create icons for those flashes. I'm thinking something similar would be cool. Of course it would pretty much be the old "recommend for collection" system.

3) lol.

The danger with automated event collections is that there's deadlines, and some people won't be able to submit them in time. It would be a shame if they were to be excluded! Also, I don't think authors should have the rights to remove themselves from such collections. Stuff like this is pretty much part of Newgrounds history: Off limits, I'd say.
As for Krinkles' Madness; its part of a series, not a collection. But maybe series should be off-limits too, and be treated as part of Newgrounds history as well? Heh, this harder than I thought it would be.

Also, I've been thinking it over a bit, and decided that this "top 50" appearance I was talking about wouldn't be such a good idea. It's probably better if it maintains the current look, while still actually showing the 50 best movies of its kind.

1 ) But what if you're just looking for stick fights? :/ What I was really wondering though was if you meant a submission could be included in say both a category (genre) for 'Action' and a collection (style) for 'Stick Fights' or if categories/collections would be grouped?

2 ) Yeah, I remember, and still I don't think an icon is a requirement is it? Some users still upload without, and it gets added by the mods. At the start btw any user could contribute with icons, there was a page listing all submissions without icons, and I remember uploading quite a few of those, wonder if the people who uploaded most were selected as mods... That sounds good. :) Speaking of memories btw, I really don't remember the audio pages looking like this at all: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/ad949a69afac414c5f77b356d3d30cc0

Different times, not even a separate page for each submission!

Yeah, it'd have to be moderated in some form or another, but part-automation sounds nice. And definitely no removing themselves from collections, I thankful there's no option for that, since back when my account was hacked at least the submissions I had included in collections (or audio submissions that had been used in flashes) couldn't be taken down.

Oh yeah, I'm thinking of collections/series as the same thing... would be useful if they both worked the same way. None of the series pages are exclusive to their original authors, but at least those authors could have automatic access. Would simplify a bit. Off-limits... well I'd like it that way, maybe all authors wouldn't. :)

I'd say it depends on the collections, historical collections would be better off sorted by date, right? Those who submit early for events like Halloween should get a better spot than someone who misses deadline and gets included later, even if that submission gets a higher score. Speaking of which, options to sort submissions based on criteria like date, rating, etc would be useful even on collections/series pages...

Never knew you'd been hacked. That's a huge shame to hear about!

1) Anyone who knows the website will know to look stickfights in the action/violence section of the collections page. Where else would you look for them? As far as I know it's easier to find that way.

2) Crazy as this may sound, I think the audio pages were much more convenient that way! Not only did it give a pleasant overview of the downloads and reviews, but it was much easier to keep track of whether songs were used in flash submissions! It also felt really rewarding when some of those records would turn gold or platinum. Good times. I'd very much like it if the future Audio pages would look similar to the Newgrounds playlists. But instead of displaying a simple tracklist underneath the visualizer, it would show up like the old audio pages with basic information about each song. Then when you click to play a song, the author comments/reviews slide down underneath the visuals at the top. That would be nice :)

Ideas, ideas, ideas...

Series and Collections look similar, but they're definitely 2 different things. If we ever get an automated system, I think it would be wise to keep the series page a manual thing. I also agree that historical collections should be sorted by date/alphabet and not by rating. I'm not sure if the same could be said for those collection pages though! When I first signed up to Newgrounds, I spent a lot of my time in the Collections/Series area. The way I see it, it functions as a tour for newcomers. Adding options would just over complicate things.

Yeah, it sucked. :P Thanks.

1 ) So there'd be a sub-category for it? If not, there are so many sub-genres of action, grouping them all together would make things harder to find IMO.

2 ) It definitely had it's appeal, and I guess shifting from pages like this to independent pages for each track is what's led to the audio portal taking a turn more to normal music than mostly loops and resources for Flash. Oh yeah, the 'platinum' records were awesome, though the page I linked to was before that time. :) That would be cool, but on the other hand I like being able to link to specific audio submissions. though I suppose that could still be done even if they don't have their own page...

So many of them; not enough resources to make them all a reality. :P

You don't think letting a certain author have 'access' to a series page would work? Not access to change, but access to have new entries automatically added to the list. Manually updating all series pages with new entries is bound to take some time, maybe more-so than the collections. Good point, I spent tons of time on those pages two when I first signed up, keep thinking I should go back and make sure to browse the lot of them. Some day! On that note, some kind of tour for newcomers would be handy to have...

Tragically Cyberdevil was hacked in April 2009 (as well as a bunch of mods and other accounts later in the year) and a part of me died that day. RIP @Suspended-3rd-Chord

But @Suspended-3rd-Chord left in August 2008! :P Pretty cool that account settled in at 42 fans... lmao, I'm reading through the comments on the final news post just now and apparently I said I wouldn't visit that profile again! Gotta stop being so nostalgic...

lol wow, i didnt know that it settled at 42 fans. Yeah, I love nostalgia bursts...how the hell did Supergandhi find my old account...I think your blogs where pretty much the last haven for Suspended-3rd-Chord's posts; Quarl and Wyldfyre1 still have up their old blogs but that's pretty much it.

lol you like Naruto

Haha, yeah, what a coincidence huh. I was surprised too, guess he must know about your old account though; have been reminded about it through your activity on this one, wonder which other aliases he might've used over the years...

lol yeah? Looking at that old profile pic? :P I still follow the series... looks like I might've been folliwing Naruto for a decade as well!

So you like Naruto, but do you like Naruto? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narutomaki

So that's what that swirly thing's called! Never tried it, but it looks/sounds good. You?

1) I just think the way it shows up right now is very confusing. St Patrick's Day videos are listed under holidays. The preview image however shows santaclaus. Pokemon is even worse. Pop culture shows My Little Pony, but it's not in there, so you have to look into videogames, which shows an image of Mario. I guess you're right though. My approach is no solution for this confusing system.

2) Hmm yeah, I suppose it does have its downsides.

Giving authors privileges to maintain their own series could have its advantages. As long as they're not the only ones to maintain it, it should be fine. Hmmm, the admins could even expand on that and give every animator the option to create series and assign flashes to them, within the project system. I'm thinking it would be much like the audio playlists, but with videos.

As for a Newgrounds tour? I don't like the idea very much. A tour of the website would be detrimental to the overall experience of "discovering" Newgrounds. That's what I think anyway. So yeah.

1) That sounds like the kind of confusing that could occur if all submissions were gathered up in one category. :P I agree it's not the most suitable thumb, but having all sub-categories on the same page would be hard to take in. Browsing through the collections now btw it looks like there's so much that's not maintained, deleted entries, bad URLs, references to header images that don't exist. Sad to see the place decaying like that. :/

2 ) Yupp, downs and ups, though I don't think I mentioned any real downsides...

Glad we agree! Oh, yeah, that'd be an awesome feature. It could work so that authors can create a certain series at any time, but it'll only be taken into consideration for the official series listing after reaching a certain amount of episodes, easy way for mods/staff to filter in only the good stuff on that page. It'd encourage users to start making series too.

I think the discovering process for a user now versus how it used to be back in the day is just confusing, there's way too much to take in, no main focus, a diversity I think scares off plenty of users instead of convincing them to join. Without telling users what's great about this place, they might not take the effort to find it. If you look at other similar communities, their focus is presented from the start. You know what the place is about as soon as you visit it, I don't know if the same can be said about this place, though for us who've been here so long that's probably not as easy to consider.

1) That depends. I'd say if you limit the options, people get a better overview of what's available. And if the icons weren't so distracting, you might actually find what you're looking for. Sorting out all of the categories would be a pain in the ass though. It would be nice to have "Parodies" as one of the starting categories for example, but imagine putting DragonballZ in there. DragonballZ resides within the Anime category, and it's pretty much stuck there with lots of other series. Now, if the Anime section showed original works only, this could work. But why would anyone even bother reorganizing the whole thing?

2) I personally think there's a downside in having a big list of songs, and that problem is linking to an individual song. I fear that it'll be confusing for anyone outside of Newgrounds to see such a big list when they're looking for just one song. But on the other hand, it does mean more exposure for the artist, and that's an immediate plus! Besides, Soundcloud pretty much uses the same system. Song titles link to individual pages on there, so I don't see why it couldn't work. You were right. No downsides :)

Those sound like some real good ideas revolving the series! Man, I remember years ago when Tom held a survey for the users of Newgrounds. There was an option to fill in the things you'd like to see change/happen in the future. I think I must have filled in about 10 different ideas I had at the time haha.

As far as I know, Newgrounds was never really that clear about its objectives. When I first got here, I was under the impression that everything was made by the owners of the website. It took me a while to find out I could make an account and submit my own stuff. Back then, Newgrounds was all about content. I feel like it's a way more user-oriented place these days (blog posts, private messaging, wiki, etc). That being said, I don't think Newgrounds grew out to be too big and confusing. If anything, it's designed to appear that way! The front page is just really obnoxious, and the indistinct navigation buttons make browsing a real challenge, even for me.

1 ) Indeed, for the main choices thumbs could be combined to make a mesh of the different sub-genres, or just use something generic not tied to a certain sub-category, like a calender for holidays (though admittedly that'd look a bit dull). I like how the main categories are alphabetically sorted btw, makes it even easier to find what you are looking for if you are looking for something specific. Because it'd give users a more professional first impression? I know how falling behind on updates is though, eventually it gets to the point where there's so much to change you don't get anything done, maybe all of these pages will be purged to make the site easier to maintain... though I hope not...

2 ) Ah, the linkin part. Well you can link to certain elements on a page, like you do with replies at the forum (a feature that'd come in handy for news post comments as well), but I do see how that'd take away the appeal of each specific song. It'd be a list of resources rather than the individual experience. And worse SEO for sure. Oh man, no downsides after all? :P I need to stop responding to stuff as I go... well I've actually annoyed myself a bit on how SC doesn't have separate pages for each track hah, guess it's a matter of taste. Would be good with the option though, individual pages by default and an option to view all tracks by a specific user as a playlist maybe? Btw, slightly relevant fun fact: there are 43,208 scouted audio artists with at least one submission.

Oh yeah, that survey, I don't remember what I said but I do remember saying something! I'm surprised they haven't had any more surveys since then, but I guess focus lies with fixing what's currently broken There was a time when suggestion topics on the wi/ht were pretty popular too, I had wishlist topics at least two years, with a huuuge amount of ideas... and looking back I think some of them were even made a reality, though staff never posted in the topics so not sure I can take any credit for it. Feels like this place isn't evolving as rapidly as it used to though... though maybe it reached perfection already a few years back. :P

I don't remember my motive for signing up, but I was stat-crazy so it might have had something to do with that. Or it was the content, I really have no memories of that, but back then there was only the portal, that was the focus; the community revolved around it. The audio was hidden away a bit, though it was getting more and more popular. Art came much later. At the start it was all about flash though, I feel the purpose was pretty simple back then, and considering how many other sites copied the idea it must've been a good one. Yeah, that's true, though I feel the wiki was a turn for the more confusing after the previous FAQ, where you'd find all info on a single page. Mmm, maybe it's just content blocks and navigation that could use some refining. I don't know, I still love this place and all that comes with it, but one of the first things I was taught in webdesign was how you need a focus, a site can't be about everything, even though that's what most people want to do. Google's huge, but their focus is search, YouTube is video, Tumblr is blogs, you know? It's not the fact that there's so much more, but there should at least be a core. So you can say: NewGrounds is about ____. You go here to ____ or find ____. Get what I'm saying?

I don't like Naruto, I think it's a gateway anime of the worst kind. (No I actually haven't seen it b4 lol)

It's a shame Newgrounds became extra-user oriented as the spirit of what the site once was has pretty much died. Makes me wonder where the site would be now, if the same user options and site features where implemented ten years ago. Newgrounds probably could have been as big as Myspace, which may have ended up driving a lot of the "edgier", less mainstream-acceptable artists that make up the heart of Newgrounds away.

lmao! Any anime you have seen/liked? How about the Narutomaki, have you tried that?

Yeah, that'd have been interesting. Back in 2007 this place might've been growing too fast, the current system wasn't designed for that amount of traffic (and I don't mean just the frequent 'server overload' pages :P). Ah well, better not fret on what could've been, but what shall be!

just Ghost in a Shell, and aside from that the mainstream dragon ball z, pokemon, boondocks, etc.

oh that Naruto :P its alright. So you like Naruto, and want to try Naruto, but do you like Naruto? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naruto_whirlpools

DBZ? Pokemon?! Actually never heard of Boondocks, but if you liked the mainstream you shouldn't have anything against Naruto. Ghost in the Shell was on a whole other level though, might've been the most detailed anime movie ever made... at least on par with Akira.

lmao, wouldn't want to be in a Naruto if you know what I'm Saiyan. :P

Something... terrible has pointed its finger at meh O_O

The threat is real. O_o

Shit, awesome achievement! Well done! :)

Thanks man! :)

WTF? You've never head of the Boondocks?

I don't know, I've never seen Naruto. But most of the other mainstream animes that I have caught a glimpse really just talk about how strong they are for about 5 minutes, throw a guy into a building, watch him climb out of the rubble, repeat. In dragon ball z it was pretty cliche how the guys kept on getting stronger and stronger but atleast there was a boatload of action.

Avatar was another one that was pretty good though. It seems like the ones aimed for the adolescent age group tend to harvest the better leaves for my cup of tea for whatever reason. Oh, and Aeon Flux. I like Sci-fi animes; although I remember not being too interested in Gundam Wing when I watched it when I was much younger.

Haven't seen the Ghost in Shell anime movie. I want to though.

Nope? Worth watching?

Yeah, DBZ is the original stereotype! Sure most mainstream animes are about characters getting stronger and stronger, but it usually doesn't go from destroying stones - planets. :P Naruto's more about fights I guess, but compared to DBZ it's on a whole other level of logic, it's not just about raw strength. Same with Bleach and One Piece, other great giants.

Yeaaah, Avatar was awesome! Though it's not really an anime seeing as it's American-made. Didn't know there was one for Aeon Flux! Got to watch that some time. I don't think I've seen much sci-fi anime apart from GITS... and Gundam... most of my favorites deal with ninja or samurai, or just normal martial arts and streetfights (like Air Master or Tough). Great stuff. I think I watched Gundam Wing back in the day, though I don't remember... anything...

Oh you saw the series? The movie's a few staircases above in terms of quality!

1) Yeah, I have to agree it would look really dull and boring. Except if they put tankmen in the preview images. Or you know, bring out other mascots of the website? I feel like they've been neglected the past couple of years.

2) About linking to page id's/names; I think it makes the link look ugly and unprofessional. Although now that I think about it, youtube uses hashtags to specify a certain time within the video. So yeah, why not? Also, Soundcloud actually does have individual pages for songs, although each individual song continues to play in an invisible playlist.
That's a pretty cool fact about Newgrounds musicians by the way. How'd you find out?

The internet is always subject to change, so I don't think any website ever reaches perfection. If websites don't evolve, they fall behind. Kind of like pokemon lol. I'd wager there's not much to fix at the moment. Newgrounds runs fine as it is (right...?). There's a lot they could change/expand upon though! I'm guessing the past couple of updates were preparations for bigger things to come. Now would be an excellent time to run another survey. Or maybe after the redesign? Once they've launched their first big update maybe? Or you know, whenever.

Personally, I don't think any of the current admins know how to please the Newgrounds musicians (It's a bold statement, I know). Every now and then, the audio portal gets a big update, but it's never been the main focus and I feel like it always fallen behind on the rest of the site regardless. It would be nice if we had a daily top 5, maybe bring back the weekly top 5 and perhaps a monthly voting system? And how about we add more genres? Or maybe allow users to pick more than one genre, so as to create fusion styles? Also, I don't like those awful selection boxes they've been putting over the flash/audio portals. A "Latest from your favorites" section however would be nice to have on both portals, and maybe a hall of fame with like 10 of the best artists/musicians on the website instead of 1 single King of the Portal. Or how about we get back the "Featured Musician" section that used to be at the top? I don't know... The audio portal just lost its visual appeal.

To be continued...

1 ) Yeah, that'd work! The mascots could definitely use some more featuring too, I think the last pages they were added to were the ones in the NG Mag, clinging around the borders with secret messages if you viewed their ALT text. That was fun.

2 ) That invisible playlist is a bit annoying too. I'd like to loop individual tracks... but no matter, I'm not on SC much enough for it to be an issue. Linking to elements within a page is pretty useful for some functions or features like questions in a FAQ, and it has the added benefit that you don't need to reload the page to view each separate piece of information... though it has the disadvantage of everything loading even if you just want to view a part of it, and it's not as good for SEO either. I'd think there are situations when you don't want the entire list viewable, but it'd definitely be a useful alternative, and on that topic: linking to specific entries in a playlist would be pretty useful too! As for the artist fact, I checked out the page source for artist list on this: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1358510

All scouted audio artists with at least one submission are included. :)

That's definitely true for dynamic sites like NG especially with how the technology powering the sites keep evolving, but as far as design goes I still believe many of the elements from back in 2007 were a lot more usable than they are now. The menus in particular. I've been looking at Luis design sketches of the mobile layout btw, and I must admit that might turn out pretty slick, it'll be even more unlike the old NG in color scheme and everything, but it looks good. Can be found on his site if you're interested, also stumbled upon this page there, that doesn't seem to be linked anywhere else (that I know of): http://www.newgrounds.com/awards/2011/

lol Pokemon, I actually think that franchise has just been getting worse as of late, way too many critters to keep track of now. Maybe I'm just nostalgic, but it feels like the amount around Gold was enough. I played through HeartGold on DS, and it was the perfect game, basically Gold in a perfected a bit more fast-paced and graphically superior form. Can it really get any better than? I wonder... don't even feel like playing Black/White or the sequels.

Actually, as for things to fix: the drop-downs get in the way of gameplay, there's faulty information in the wiki, there are bugs with favorite removal/review mark butons, my buttons on the RTE glitch sometimes for no apparent reason (spoke to liljim about that but he thought it'd be an issue with cache, it disappeared for a while but came back later on... maybe that's not a flaw with the site through but rather something with my browser). The staff/regular user news sections aren't linked to, mod lists aren't up-to-date, reviews for obituaries don't show, submissions don't show filesize correctly (so the feature is temporarily disabled)... and most of this has been like it is for a while, but I guess time's the issue. I don't know if I was less attentive to stuff like this back in the day, but with the 2007 design I seem to remember that everything just ran so smoothly, no errors, no visible bugs at all... apart from the occasional server error due to immense traffic. Yeah, so many features that could be added and/or brought back! Hope they make some time for 'em! :D

True, and I'd definitely like a Top 5 too, I think a couple of my tracks from last year could actually have won awards... so different from all the crap I used to submit back in the day. Though I am continually tempted to re-submit all my old crap from back in the day, problem is that'd push down the few newer/better tracks I've made... trying to think quality


Anyway, to get back on topic; I think it's really interesting that all the big websites have a core focus. I never really thought about that myself! All that rambling just now gave me another idea so as to solve that problem for Newgrounds. Imagine if we swept the entire frontpage clean and instead filled it up with big buttons that lead to the many portals we have on here. At the top of these portals, it'll show genre-specific "Frontpage features", like games, movies, audio and art. Aswell as the "Latest from your favorites" and the "Daily Top 5". The actual frontpage could then be used to show "artist News", "Series & Collections", "MMO's", "Webgames" and of course "NG News". Maybe it could also feature some daily picks/latest submissions of each portal.

Blah, let me stop right there. Too many ideas hahaha!

... instead of quantity (speaking of bugs, I actually typed in a bunch more below but it was just cut off when I pressed Submit. Seems like there's a bug with the character limitation for comment responses too), but I like the quantity aspect. :P Did you know I used to have the most tracks of any single artist in the AP? Over 600. Most were admittedly just short loops, but still, them days...

The featured section was great, and the little box that let you instantly play the top 5 or ten of the... month? I used to keep the AP page open and just play those in the background, twas a great feature. The update with the redesign that let you browse through all tracks was the most awesome one though, that day was... legendary!! Hope they'll make the same thing happen with the classic portal again, it's one of the features I miss most.

lmao, that sounds like how the frontpage is right now with the added buttons for all the different portals. XD For a moment there I was thinking what a great way it'd be to get rid of all the clutter hahaha, well... just buttons for the portals, daily five (maybe with tabs for the different content forms?), a quick selection of handpicked items (maybe with tabs for the webgames and collections?), latest from your favorites as an optionable box and then the news column shortened down a bit right beside it? It could be slimmed down a bit... but as for focus, that'd still be a bit of everything. :)

1) NG Mag's a long time ago :) There were secret messages in the image alt? I should really go to the WayBackMachine just to check it out haha.

2) Seeing as the search engine isn't going to like this, I think a page like that is best left for profiles. People won't visit it unless they want to see everything, and it has nothing to do with the search engine either. It might be a bitch to load though.

I don't seem to be so well informed. Then again, I never visit the FAQ or wiki pages. Neither do I ever look at movie stats, unless it's my own. Still, I don't usually notice when these things are missing. Even if I do, I end up thinking it's an intentional change in the redesign. It's pretty bad then. I hope everything gets fixed in the redesign. Speaking of which, Luis tells me about the progress via Skype from time to time. So yeah, I know what it looks like :P I'm excited for it! And even though it's blue, it looks a lot more like the Newgrounds I'm accustomed to.

Lol yeah, pokemon kind of died from the second generation on out. I just wasn't feeling the Sapphire/Emerald games. Everything that followed afterwards never got my attention. I played Heart Gold on the DS like you did. It was really cool, but still I never bothered getting anywhere near the third Gym. I got bored.

About the audio, I'd treasure those songs man! I wouldn't upload them unless you had like an alt you could upload them to. 600 tracks is a hell of a lot. I remember thinking Chronamut had a shitload, but I never realized you had uploaded so many more! As for the top 5, I think it might have brought about the activity of those "zero bombers" back in the day. But they're probably still out there, so what the hell right? Besides, regarding malicious voting, Tom mentioned having a new trick up his sleeve, so we might as well bring back the top 5.

Oh, and when I said buttons to portals, I was thinking more along the lines of clickable artworks. I'm thinking Red, Blue Yellow and Green here, each displaying their appropriate mascots. Sort of like the Castle Crashers selection screen then.

1) Yeah, it's been a few years! :D Here you go: http://web.archive.org/web/20050211025225/http://www.newgrounds.com/ngmag/

2) Indeed.

I probably wouldn't notice everything myself if I didn't skim through news comments and regularly post on the wi/ht forum, once in a while informative staff responses pop up! More now than back in the day, sometimes I'm thinking maybe staff spend too much posting and too little time fixing stuff. :P Hrrm, just thinking aloud, I'm sure they have their hands full, and there is supposedly some new grand feature soon to make an appearance, I can't wait. Oh man, you get insider information! :D That's pretty cool, anything worth noting that can't be seen in the full-screen previews? If you'r allowed to speak of such detail.

I noticed it's easy to get bored with Pokemon if you leave them be for a while, suddenly the tasks all appear so repetitive, but compared to the old games it definately feels like they improved the variation a bit. I didn't catch em all, but I think I battled all the bosses... btw, since you have a DS maybe you play Advance Wars too?

Yeah, it is a bit! Feels like their time is passed though, the audio artists currently in the AP are getting so professional they'd feel out of place, and I probably wouldn't get as many comments as before. I did ponder the idea of an ALT though... maybe. :) It'd be cool with an archive of my older stuff on this site too. Chronamut does have a shitload! Though the top submitters (apart from my old self) are as far as I know Arnas, BowserThedestructive, Reone662, TheComet and ZENON. They all have over 500 tracks, though they might have deleted some of the old ones. I have the lot of them saved offline.

Oh, right, and the zero-bombers are still a threat today... that sounds reasonable. Seems like the new voting system (one vote per user) would solve that problem though. Stubborn users could of course create ALTs to zerobomb but it wouldn't be as easy as it is now. A new trick up his sleeve? Could that be it?

Yeaaah, that would be pretty cool!

Excellent post CD, I especially liked the trip down memory lane with the pics, NG has gone through so many changes and always comes out looking that little bit more awesome. Happy ten years and heres to hoping you have many more to come.

Indeed, a little nostalgia livens up any day. Thanks; congrats on ten years yourself! Onwards to another ten... at least!

You might be right about the admins posting more than fixing. If that's true then I think they're planning to cover everything in the redesign. And yeah, I guess I do get a bit of insider info. Maybe I should pry to get some answers to these questions, but meh. That's not really how I roll :P Right now Luis is pretty much working on the appearance/dynamics. Mostly of the frontpage. He also talks about the office sometimes, but that's sort of private lol.

Nah, I don't play advance wars, but I heard it's good. I'll check it out sometime!

Your audio probably wouldn't get as much attention, but who cares? It's nice to have it up there. Like a little trophy cabinet!

The "trick" I meant is the one-vote-system, paired with the vote-tracker they're planning to introduce.


Hope so! I've been thinking it might be a tactic to engage the userbase a bit, and it's working, but I wonder if the userbase wouldn't be even more engaged with the staff members a little more mystified? Hahaha, guess nothing's ever good enough. :D K, no revolutionary design ideas in debate. You don't happen to have heard how far-gone near-closure these design things are have you? No need to dive into private affairs btw, I'm off the office topic. :P

Yeah, it is great, it's like the entire strategy genre defined and perfected, and each game comes with enough content to keep you occupied a lifetime, especially the DS version! I've spent a few hundred hours on it so far and still haven't played all the maps.

As long as it doesn't get too much attention, flooding the portal with ten submissions x sixty days... I can see the old 'you're spamming the portal' debate flaring up again. :P Oh wait, I could have an unscouted ALT, meaning there'd be no risk of spamming after all, this seems... like a good idea...

Ah, we're thinking of the same feature then! :) The combined review/rating seems like a change for the better too, I can see how voting habits may start changing a bit for those who review a lot... like me. :P Going to be unfair for all the old submissions that have been down-voted so long btw, but it seems like a definite change for the better as far as abuse goes. Going to take some getting used to...

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