Ah but Usopp is so funny! and i actually tend to side with the underdogs and the villains go Blackbeard! haha
Yeah is quite short, and i saw episode 14 it appeared in Google as i searched for it, and oh man it was stupidly funny, i will definitively watch it, but i will reserve it as a clean up for any grim series i watch.
Haha a series out of Pukemon....
Well my man i really didn't pay that much attention to Mr James, at best the N64 game, talking about sequels, Last Exile has a sequel, and it sucked XD, i have to finish watching that some day, but man did they separated themselves from the original.
No is the other way around, since the manga comes first... and for Strong World he did a oneshot, a chapter 0 to tell the story of Shiki the golden lion, well i said this time it could appear in reverse, because Oda sometimes includes mini stories in the covers of each chapter that tell the lives of various characters, so who knows, a pirate crew made entirely of animals seems like something that Oda could make into a canon reality... or not XD.
An iller filler like a pillar, but maybe this miller of a filler could filter into the main story liner!
or not... er XD.
A decade ago i was still watching Digimon on TV and Cat Returns with my mom, so it would be impossible! haha.
Haha, man you just put one of the Gundams that i am not planning to see hahaha, i guess that when it comes to robots and space i wan't something to beat the Votoms series, i know that Gundam may do it, but i have not watched all the Gundams, the ones who know tell me that the original Gundams may do it.
Yeah LoTG is not the best looking, and is supposed to be slow passed, and is that story detail which i am supposed to be judging, that is why i am planning to leave it for last, well i guess Air Master is now last!
Haha joking, but really... XD, na joking i don't know in what place is Air Master, but is maybe in the middle of my on hold and plan to watch list.
I just noticed something on your list, it seems that you have watched the whole franchise of "Legend Of Galactic Heroes", i have not watched that one, and all the reviews i have found so far, are glorifying this thing as the best strategical anime of all times, they seem somehow biased, like the fanatics of Code Geass (another one i have not watched but that i am actually avoiding) Death Note (which i have watched, read, and didn't loved, and it's highly overrated), because i am planing to watch Legend Of Galactic Heroes, indeed is the last anime i will watch so i can have enough criteria to see if all those reviews are true or not.
My question is: you are finally someone that is not licking that series ass, indeed you gave it a 2 out of 5, so it is really that good as they say and you simply didn't liked it, or is it being overrated as most things are?
I would love a review of that series, which i will be watching purely for the plot, because the soundtrack, and visual i am sincerely hating them, but the reviews talk wonders, so i have to watch it at some point, so what you say about it?
Cyberdevil (Updated )
Yeah, I don't actually remember much of them though, I remember watching them after going through the Macross series, and for some reason I didn't like them that much. Maybe the style of animation, maybe the series serious tone compared to what I'd previously seen. I don't think my score takes any strategical aspects into consideration, back then I was more about action and intensity, and if I remember right this one was a bit boring between encounters.
Don't think I've seen Code Geass, but I liked Death Note. Was disappointed at how it ended, but I liked it otherwise! Whaa... last anime you'll watch? O_o
Would've been better to ask me that a decade ago. :) I really don't remember enough to give any proper critique on this series, watched so much back then that didn't stick. I remember series like Jinki Extend, Macross and Gundam SEED though! Probably appreciated them more.