Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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I depends on the artist for example there are the Airtight Garage by Moebious, and Frank by Jim Woodring, or Shaolin Cowboy by Geof Darrow and the Wachowskis, which plot are described through imagery rather than words, on the other hand Historie, 20th century Boys, Master Keaton, are quite text heavy some times.

Haha well so far anime only helps me to remember words that i already have learned like for example, it is kinda shameless for me to admit this but... the word おもい (Omoi) that means heavy, i was able to learn it thanks to Sanji... when he was in Nami's body, running and exclaiming how wonderfully heavy Nami's chest was... *clears throat* yeah...

It would be expensive and awesome, because they would have way more liberty, lets say to compare things, like submitting a flash to YouTube (series), and then create the uncensored version and put it on Newgrounds! (OVA), as for the manga is currently on Hiatus, and let me tell you Togashi Yoshihiro can compete (and maybe won) with Kentaro Miura (Berserk) when it comes to Hiatuses XD.

They work 6 days a week, and meet with the editor in the 7th day, is quite a heavy load, and it gives all the more reason to have helpers... well since Ichigo is everything, his purpose is to be a DNA recipient, and evolve into the singularity... to train in world breaking records, and then to save the day, ah yeah it also seems like part of his purposes in life is to break his sword, in a continuous matter...

Grave of the fireflies (and Barefoot Gen both great!), Ghost in the Shell (good but overrated), Fairy Tale (had to drop it couldn't stand it, too much nonsense and not enough action to justify the investment), Air Master(no, and unlikely to see it), GTO (curious about it but i have my reserves, i have to see "Detroit metal city" fisrt), History`s Strongest Disciple Kenichi (Hate it! i prefer Ashita no Joe or Hajime no Ippo), Laputa (But of course is from Ghibli after all!), Tsukikage Ran (no, even more first time hearing of it), Shadow Skill (skipped it), Oni (ins't that one a video game?) but in case that is this one http://myanimelist.net/anime/7171/Oni (then no, but it seems interesting).

Ah, guess those are the exceptions. Generally though, manga describes so much more through imagery than regular comments. Even sound, though hmm... maybe sound's actually written, come to think about it...

Haha, surely you've also memorized echi and hentai? :P Other words off the top of my mind I've probably snapped up through anime: darou, arigatou, muri, hai, wakarimashite, ohaiou gosaimasu, nande, nee-san, aishteru, baka, kusou, akuma, bakemono, sugoi, chotto, yatta, kawai, kakoui (pardon faulty spelling, I haven't mastered that part yet)... eh... apparently I don't remember that many words, but it feels like I recognize a lot of them when watching.

More expensive in what way? I'm thinking it may be possible to air OVAs similar to episodes, without the downsides of censorship, but if that was possible maybe they'd thought about it already.. ah, well it's better to take a looong break than make something you're not proud of I guess. :D

So you read about that too! Indeed. lmao, he does break his sword a bit too often. His purpose as I (used to?) see it: to protect those he loves, as seems to be the case with pretty much all animated (or drawn) heroes.

Downloading Barefoot Gen now, it seems like a similar plot... though I have a hard time imagining anything can match up to the emotionality in the former. Yeah, Ghost in the Shell is overrated, but the detail of animation seems unsurpassable in modern-day standards... twas the golden age of Anime!

Hmm, not much for martial arts? Air Master has some of the most fluent fighting I've seen, and I liked History`s Strongest Disciple Kenichi particularly because they teach you certain tidbits of techniques from different disciplines, Ashita no Joe and Hajime no Ippo look like they're both about boxing? Won't condemn them without watching, but boxing's probably not my thing. :) Then again I'm not much for basketball either, but Buzzer Beater was pretty cool...

Shadow Skill skipped for a reason? As for Oni, it's this one I meant: http://myanimelist.net/anime/2366/Touma_Kijin_Den_Oni

I've only managed to get a hold of the first episode so far, but that's all that's been subbed.. hope to stumble upon the rest some day. Yeah, it's my favorite video game too, unrleated. :P Didn't know there were others! That one does look interesting.

Btw, just realized you have a MAL too, how complete is that list?

No man are you crazy most seinen is a bunch of wall text! haha, and oh god the anime of bleach is one of those rare cases when it is better than the manga, why? because if you read the manga you get boring with all the talking... talking in the middle of the fights! XD.

Most of those are thanks, apologies, acknowledgements, cursing and complaints, and well damn that is a vocabulary who can pass as a little bit useless, haha, like you get a ticket, so you first complain a lot and insult the cop, then agree to your fault, then apologize for complaining, then you thank the cop... and finally あい してる (you confess your love?) XD, hahaha what the hell man lololol.

Yeah because the OVA's are like remastered episodes, but the format is that of a movie, and the content is that of a TV series... so yeah the price rises, in essence is making a TV series but selling it as a movie.

Well not to spoil anything, but he even breaks his bankai, and thus needs to train in world breaking records so he can get a new bankai, thus getting a new sword... not really a big sruprissee, but it was supposed that bankais where unique, so now they have a way to get new bankais... well i hate that part of the industry when the whole plot is around protecting, hell there are series when protecting is just a cheap way for the main character to confess his love... waste of time, you know you may want to tell that cop that you want to protect her instead of an aishiteru... XD.

I find Gen to be more raw, so it all comes to what affect you more, well is funny because i agree is so true what you just said haha, not even the current Ghost in the shell can defeat the animation of the older one http://myanimelist.net/anime/19191/Ghost_in_the_Shell:_Arise_-_Border:2_Ghost_Whispers#pubEd0KCbixi6OCy.99 and this is a perfect example of how animation is degrading.

Basketball? then Slam Dunk comes to mind! then Buzzer Beater, then Real, then you know the author is quite good, so you read Vagabond, and holly fuck one of greatest stories about samurais, but it gets quite philosophical sometimes so is not for everyone, but when action comes it is served hard! the guy is great i agree.

I'm sane man, for real man! I just haven't read much Manga is all! :L The ones I have read (apart from Berserk, the so-thought exception) didn't have a lot of text at all: Dragon Ball, Kajika, Rangarok, Love Hina, Rurouni Kenshin, not much text in any of them... OK well I'm not getting hyped for the manga that's for sure. :)

lol, that can't be Bleach can it?! I was thinking about text for sounds as emotional imagery btw, like the sound of heartbeats, swords slicing through the air, running, bowing, sitting down, breathing out, even the sound of silence (though that's been Americanized a bit lately). All of these things are visually represented in a more perceptible way than regular comics, where the emotion is usually only read in the eyes of a character (if the artist is good), facial expressions and hand gestures. Not so subtle details as in Manga.

Ah, got it.

Maybe people were speaking about how he looked too much like a Nazi. :/ I thought a lot of the other characters had way cooler bankais than he did but I've gotten used to it now. Ah well... that's a tolerable spoiler btw. :P Makes me wonder if any of the other characters ever break their bankais, considering he was apparently not the first shinigami to become a hollow, or a substitute shinigami... haha, yeah, sometimes it goes overboard, but sometimes you really feel for the characters when they feel for other characters!

Yeah, I've watched all the Ghost in the Shell movies (and series, but those don't count towards quality) and I agree the first one really was something else. It would be awesome if some rich philanthropist stepped up to partially finance some new production so they could for just one time bring back the quality to what it was in the old days! Akira was amazing too btw, but not beautiful the same way as GITS IMO. If I was rich there are so many such things I'd want to do, damnit, why can't I win a few million on Lotto!

Yeah, Slam Dunk is a classic. I think I watched some of the movies but don't remember them... oh, a Samurai story I've missed! I'm on it! Though it's... just a manga. :( Will read, maybe...

Martial arts? and you give me kenichi as an example? haha dude they have Kamehamehas in kenichi! is not that i am not a fan of martial arts, there is:

Tough http://myanimelist.net/anime/2797/Koukou_Tekken-den_Tough
and the mangas which are great.
There is also Shamo which sadly will never get animated because the story gets dark right in the beginning http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=325
Baki the grappler http://myanimelist.net/anime/287/Baki_the_Grappler
Another beast and this one has anime, and the mangas are even better, son of ogre is beastly.
Oh and how am i going to forget Crows http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=3406
Which was adapted to live action, not anime.

But forget all that, now hurry and forget all that! shit starts getting real here:
With Ichi the killer http://myanimelist.net/anime/2346/Koroshiya_1_The_Animation:_Episode_0
This is a prequel, which means shit was not able to really get real, and as anime stands today it will not be able to get real but you can read the manga and be put in awe: http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=2421

Out of these ones the most educational is Shamo, but if we want tips, then what we go is:
Holyland http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=1629
It finished recently so it is in time to get animated, is like Kenichi minus the bullshit, and in down to earth setting, which means no comedy and lots of drama, why, just read the tags.

So you see is not that i don't like martial arts, is that is being done wrong, that is just how it is.
Even more Kenichi is an example of everything wrong with anime, a series that tries to hide its fault behind sex appeal, and play with the lust of its audience, is a thing that is able to live thanks to the degrading state of entertainment media, thus i hate it, air master seems to do the same, but i will not judge it because i haven't see it, talking about people punching others, there is Hokuto no ken, and now you are already dead XD.

I skipped Shadow skill for time, there were other series waiting...
Oh that Oni? then in that case no, first time hearing of it, will give it a search, it seems similar to Guyver: The Bio-boosted Armor, and Bio Hunter, maybe even Baoh the Visitor (which was not really that good but not really bad).

Decently filled or so i say.

Well it's the only one I've seen where they teach you real techniques... though I admit it does get a bit exaggerated in some battles, and when the grandfather is flying over the landscapes, lmao... wish I had their eyesight, zooming in like Eagles. Anyway...

Definitely going to watch Shootfighter Tekken and Baki the Grappler, heard of the latter one but haven't gotten around to it.

Shamo seems pretty twisted, makes me think of Shigurui. There's an anime for that too, masterfully made but a bit too gruesome for me, though it had some pretty intense fights. If you're looking for uncensored anime that might be as far as you can get. Looks like there's no anime for Crows... but a live action! That'll be something to see. Oh, you mention that right after the link... my bad. -_- I read and respond simultaneously some times...

I've seen the live action version(s) of Ichi The Killer, not the anime yet. Will do that some time. Looks like you're into the darker side of street-fighting though? I liked Kenichi partly because it was pretty light-hearted, even Air Master wasn't that intense, even though it had a pretty gripping backstory. I like watching series like Ikkitousen (doesn't compare to Air Master though, JSYK) and eh... and hmm, there's one other anime very similar to it but I just can't recall the title right now... also takes place in a high school, stars this girl who can shrink if she wants, stars Bob (a black dude) and this other fighter with spikey hair. Maybe you know the title? If not, don't bother looking, It'll probably come back to me later... btw, list of anime I've seen (though not updated in a while now): http://cyberd.org/anime-list.html

I've been thinking of making a copy of that list on my MAL account some time, but there's just soooo many titles. It'd take ages...

Holyland looks promising! I didn't mind the bullshit in Kenichi, but maybe I won't mind the lack of bullshit either.

Well that's a matter of opinion. Sure Kenichi played a bit on sex-appeal, as so many other animes do (which may be giving Asian people their stereotype as the most perverted populace in the world) but I don't mind it personally, and the main character was male so it's not the 'worst' example. That might be... Ikkitousen. The fights are great though, and that's what really matters for me, that's what keeps me watching. The Final fight scene in Air Master is something out of this world, especially if you've followed previous battles and seen the progress of all the characters, it gives me goosebumps... but I'm not sure if you'll appreciate that series the same way as I do. Tried to look up some quick fight scene on YT but it looks like all the AMVs are crap. The OP has a pretty nice track though, IMO, might convey a bit of the atmosphere the anime has: http://youtu.be/qvWOkpJtERw

Yeah, Baoh the Visitor might be a bit similar, I'd compare it more to Shadow Skill... but since you haven't seen that I guess that's not saying much. :) As I've only seen the first ep I only have a glimpse into the series though, maybe the rest isn't that amazing. I've looked all over for the episodes, if you find any more than the first one be sure to let me know!

Hotaku no ken heh, hehehehe... there's a few Street Fighter animes with a similar style too. Fun, but not so much martial arts really, just lots of power.

Something completely irrelevant, I'm amazed so many people at Manga Updates use IE as their browser. Hmm, wonder what you're on?

Yeah, it's definately filled! I haven't gotten so far with my anime list yet... as mentioned: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/cyberdevil

Added a few titles yesterday but then I skimmed through the ones yet to add and gave up, :P Maybe next year.

Oh totally get what you are saying yes indeed, Zawa Zawa after all:

Renji breaks his bankai too, as a matter of fact there is a guy whose sole purpose is to create zanpakuto, and each one has a different bankai... so yeah... oh and those 2 are the ones that travel there, what happened is that some plot out of nowhere occurred, and then a mass demise of bankais happens... well it was not really out of nowhere, it was kinda hinted, but you know the author by now.

I agree the graphics of GITS are better than Akira, but i like Akira as a whole more.

To animate Vagabond would require budget, skill and a lot of dedication, just to get one episode, otherwise i can see it failing to convey the atmosphere, is really one of those cases when i am glad there is no anime, because you know the challenge is too much, specially as things go today.

Dude of course i know Shigurui! is one of our little bastions along with MD Geist and Genocyber! but the thing is that Shigurui is more modern, so is almost a miracle that they where able to made it, is indeed what we call an exception, and i am glad that it happened in all its gruesomeness XD.

Yeah, i am into the griminess, because after all martial arts where originally to kill, so it has to be either for that or purely an sport, is the romance of putting life in a line XD.

Don't worry man AMV almost always fail, mmh it definitively seem more promising than Kenichi that is for sure, oh no i wouldn't touch Ikkitousen, not even with a hounded meter long stick, hahaha no way. In correlation, no one flies(jumps like that) in Holyland, because they are average humans.

I will definitively tell you.

I am on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itak06Ln-EI, because i am too lazy to get http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera. (All these puns!)

Zawa Zawa indeed! Watched the live action version of Kaiji btw, need to see the anime too... it's pretty intense.

Sounds intriguing though!

That darker side of anime again? :P Well they're both dark... I actually read the Akira manga btw, that was great, the movie was eh... nah... it didn't capture all the comedy, so I was a bit disappointed in it. Great detail though!

True, though for those who don't get into the manga it'd probably still turn out satisfactory. As my grandmaster used to say (I'm self-taught): one anime better than no anime!

The introductory intestine scene almost made me not watch the rest but eh.. you don't mind? Feels like such scenes are much more graphical when they're animated, the Manga doesn't shock the same. Definitely an exception. :)

Actually, many martial arts were originally to defend, not kill (not even kill in defense!). Sword arts (as in the case of Shigurui) were probably way more grim than regular martial arts. I'm no historian, but I know there are many wrong stories about martial arts in circulation, like Ninjutsu, which was really just founded for espionage. Smoke bombs, shurikens, etc were meant as distractions, never as lethal weapons. Ninjas learned to wield smaller weapons so they were easy to hide, in case they were found out and had to defend themselves, but then movies like American Ninja come along and suddenly the Ninjas are regular gang members. Kung Fu has pretty interesting origins, Judo and Jujitsu are as much self-defense as they can get, Capoeira was originally founded by slaves, so they could learn to defend themselves without getting punished (which is why it's camouflaged as a dance), etc.

So to sum it up, depends on the martial art; depends on the people using it. Boxing's too much of a sport for me since it's so limited, too many rules that don't allow the fighters to actually gain an advantage through skill, but apart from that I guess it's the sporting martial arts I like most, where the story progresses as a form of competition, the main characters getting stronger, learning, growing as individuals to achieve some ultimate goal... but I guess that's the same as your favorites btw, they're just more brutal. That, or just completely independent stories with great fights in the mix. Wish series like One Piece took the martial arts aspect a step further and didn't make the fights so much about just wild punches and as powerful slices of the sword as possible... some fights really do take it a step further though! Maybe it's just lazy animators.

Yeah. At least for the more obscure anime titles, for series like One Piece there are some pretty amazing ones! Like: http://youtu.be/j-n23nZBl-c

Air Master jumps like that because she's a former Olympic gymnast (or something like that), she abandoned the sport after her mother's death; searching for purpose ventured out onto the streets where she learned to use her skills for street fighting, getting stronger; getting more and more addicted to the adrenaline. Outside the fight, it's a story of relations and friendship. It's all about air time, but it's down to Earth as well, jumps off of people, off walls, off roofs... not just flying.. like in some of these clone shows. :) I can dig that too, but you really get a feel for gravity in this one.


lol. One of my favorite Cybpress Hill tracks! Or pretty much every one on the Skulls CD. So you're one of the rare 3,2%! I'm into Nine Tails btw, I mean the Fire Fox, if you wonder... Chrome's my secondary choice. Since I design sites i have all the main ones installed.

Oh what a nice list and with lost of variety, nothing like mine, mine has this undertone that... if you finalize it, you may end all grumpy but pumped and wanting to join the freedom fighters hahaha, or in the other hand wanting to become a wanna be Salvador Dali, for the shorts that are a lot mostly on surrealism.

Man the downside of your list is that there is no fast way to check on your series, for example, Accelerando is hentai, but i only get to know that at the last moment, meaning this will take lots of time to check, since the format while good for keeping track of what you have seen, is not that good for people to use as a reference, which is also somehow frustrating because i have no interest whatsoever in hentai... but at least is better than the tease known as echi that is for sure XD haha.

Oh and another downside is that you can't organize it by score, which really comes helpful as a fast way to know if your tastes and those of the list (curator) maker, are akin.

Oh and it also needs a way to tell how many series there are in the list, so if someone passes by making a comparison, it will be able to know how long it is from finishing the check.

I like the lengend at the end, in my personal list in a .txt document i have my ratings as
( ) = nothing special, but not a waste
(s) = Good
(§) = Damn Good!
(§§) = Current favorite (this one has like 5 or 6 and that is)

If it doesn't has one of those 3 (because §§ doesn't really counts), then i don't add it, on the other hand i sometimes add bad series to my online list, as you can see a 3 points rank system means that i am totally biased in my judgement XD.

You have your thing there indeed, but that list is really, quite a pain to navigate, not only for the size, but also because is kinda unpractical, ah this reminds me of that experiment of making a chronological anime travel, but without thumbnails!

Thanks. I started jotting down titles in a text file, adding ratings in brackets, then moved it to my site and started adding star ratings and thumbnails, left it alone for a few years, finally revised it and had to get rid of thumbnails because holy shit I've watched a lot of anime!! I actually had a Manga list back in the day (note! mostly hentai): http://cyberd.org/old-manga-list.html

Been reading less and less the past years though, and not keeping track of what I read so... that's incredibly outdated.

Haha, well maybe if I have a lot of free time some time I'll dig through your list too, there's got to be at least a few hidden gems that I'd want to watch, considering you do like fights! :D I appreciate surreal anime as well once in a while, stuff like Vampire Hunter D and Angel's Egg are interesting watches (if that's the kind you mean?).

Yeah, been wondering if I should make a separate list for hentai, but then I'd look like a real fan of hentai and I don't want to get that image. :P That's why I chose AniDB, since they give you a warning.. but maybe I can add a script to hide any 'mature' titles unless you want to view them... haha, well there's a lot of echi on this list too! :D Apart from Naruto, I watched a ton of that when I started out...

True. I'd need to make it a table or make a database out of it for that... that's a built-in benefit with MAL though! If I get my list ported there I won't need to make any complicated changes myself. Wish they had some 'import from .txt file' feature, it'd be easy to just cut out everything from that page in title /year) format. It's true this list is almost more of a reference for me than other people... also bit of a bragging list. :P

Ah, you have a personal list too! Looks like an easy legend to use too, though I guess there's a big jump between the (s) and (§) ratings. Pretty unique! Wonder how you got the idea of using §? Yupp.

Yeah, no denying. I also don't think I've updated it in a couple years, so it's not the definite reference that it should be! These are the kind of projects I speak about when I say there are so many projects and so little time. :P Oh, a list with the anime you watch in the order you watch it? Cool idea, though I'd imagine hard to realize. At least I haven't kept track of the order I watched them in at all...

Btw, no One Piece on your Watching list?

Ah forgot to tell you, you have to read the manga of Afro Samurai, that ending is great!

Well the anime was awesome, so I'm definitely reading that if I get a chance!

Oh hell no.... Bible Black? 4 and 5s? why? why!? oh no the momories, they are coming back, they have dicks! ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!

It seems my childhood wasn't as good as i remembered it, i will try to forget this by tomorrow again... get in the vault already!

Haha, well because it's great! :D It's one of few hentai series with quality animation, a somewhat interesting plot and plenty of variation, if you watched a lot you'd know how rare that is! Considering you like Shigurui I'm surprised you're not more into this one, since there are ritual sacrifices and stuff, blood, death, demons! What's all this talk about dicks? O_o Gotta face your fears man! Relive the trauma and realize... it's not so bad!

No, this is taking forever, and things are turning out a little bit kinky, the adds are starting to change from videogame adds into pills... if you catch my drift haha, and i am so far away, and blind.

Man lets do this, lest exchange top 5s, and then i revisit your list once it gets more easy to navigate.
Though i do say, the mini reviews series sure do helps a lot!

Now and Then, Here and There http://myanimelist.net/anime/160/Ima_Soko_ni_Iru_Boku
Tekkon Kinkreet http://myanimelist.net/anime/2154/Tekkon_Kinkreet
Metropolis http://myanimelist.net/anime/522/Metropolis
Texhnolyze http://myanimelist.net/anime/26/Texhnolyze
Genius Party http://myanimelist.net/anime/3508/Genius_Party (and the sequel Genius Party Beyond)

As for mangas well, since seems you are more of an anime fan lets work with this for now.

Heh, too much hentai? Yeah, OK, a top five that... doesn't consist of ongoing series, that you haven't seen, and that you might like... that aren't too long... man you've already watched all of my favorites! Beck, Bavel's Book, Bible Black :P (OK no hentai either), Labyrinth Of Flames (surprised you just gave that a 6 btw, one of the funniest OVAs I've watched)! How's this:

Cencoroll (2009) http://myanimelist.net/anime/3087/Cencoroll
Cat Returns (2002) http://myanimelist.net/anime/597/Neko_no_Ongaeshi
Demon City Shinjuku (1988) http://myanimelist.net/anime/499/Demon_City_Shinjuku
Ninja Scroll (1993) http://myanimelist.net/anime/617/Juubee_Ninpuuchou
Paranoia Agent (2004) http://myanimelist.net/anime/323/Mousou_Dairinin

Didn't spot those on your list, but then I didn't search for the Japanese titles so hope you haven't seen them... don't feel obligated to watch if they don't seem like content you'd enjoy though! I'll have to wait a while with watching the ones you linked to, this weekend's probably going to be a bit hectic + Christmas Collab. First impressions are good though!

I guess so, it's not intentional but I'm not an active Manga reader at all right now, I do read normal comics regularly but that's because they are so much much cheaper/easier to get a hold of. Sounds good!

My list probably won't get any easier to navigate btw, but I'll let you know when there's a MAL mirror. :)

Oh the Akira manga is being rebooted by fans but using characters from the Simpsons, it is called Bartkira XD.

I prefer nothing over half-assed production, you know at least to respect the original work.

Well Karate is an offensive Martial Art, most of the martial arts where indeed devised to defend against armed opponents in times of war, and Capoeira was disguised as a dance so the slave masters won't suspect that their slaves indeed were plotting to revel, but it is far from a self defence martial art, indeed for quite some time was banned because robbers used it as a weapon to assault merchants, and that really didn't help the image of Capoeira which for some people was just a tool to indulge into crime, when in truth it was for liberation! now all things considered all those merchants were white and descendants of slave masters, so yeah... but the stain remained to the point that it was made illegal.

Well "Tough" is Vale tudo mixed martial arts so there you have it! and Holyland is in the streets, so yeah...
Na the One Piece manga is wild too! haha, so not real techniques here, and it kinda has to be that way otherwise, well you know we are talking about powers, if you go CP9 technical or Okamakempo style, you will get your ass kicked, after all is world with monsters XD.

I see, a former Olympic gymnast, that now walks the streets fighting and doing parkour, yeah an Olympic gymnast is by no way average, is an Olympic gymnast!!! XD

Greetings? oh well i guess it can be used for luck too...

Yeah the Skull CD is great!
I see, your page seems fine to me no bugs at all.

lmao, awesome initiative! :D I'm imagining animated versions of all classics featuring Simpsons... that'd be something else!

Yeah, I like most, but I appreciate originality, inventiveness and attention to detail much more!

Karate is actually based on older martial arts, don't know what they were originally derived for... but that's the case with many modern ones so I really don't know enough to speak about it anyway. Ah, didn't know that part about Capoiera, good knowing. In the end it's all about how you use it though, good or bad, offense or defense, even cooking skills can be lethal. :P

K, I love all types, just saying it's mostly not about killing! As for One Piece, it's definately probably a bit different for the anime... they lengthen the fights by making each attack last longer, looping the punches, etc, kinda takes down the variety in a lot of them. Doesn't need to be real martial arts for me to enjoy the fights, as long as there's some logic to it, fluid motions, not just raw strength (though that's cool too occasionally, the one-hit KO).

Indeed, so the flying stuff is validated in this one. :D

Maybe I'm using that word wrong, I thought Yoroshiku = I'll leave it up to you, something like that.

Thanks. Maybe no visible bugs, but it's not standard-compliant, it loads too many separate JS/CSS files for each page through plugins, the sidebar uses lists to style everything so I can't include images without messing up format, it isn't very responsive when it comes to screen resolution, I have over 800 broken links, a few thousand posts tagged wrong, about ten thousand images with missing file paths, maybe a hundred pages with shortcodes from the old layout that are now broken.... I'm working on it though. :P

Mostly hentai seems like a convenient lie haha, oh i haven't read Devilman Lady yet, i keep postponing it, maybe i havent recovered from the ending of the original Devilman, oh man, why? is even worse than Bibble black, even with the censorship! and then it happens that it continues in Violence Jack!

Angel's Egg is more the kind i mean.
Embrace your perviness man, do it! XD Oh AniDB i have one neglected account there, and another neglected one in AnimeNewsNetwork... I know the feel man, that is why in my offline list i don't put the really shitty series, i don't want that on the record XD haha, bragging indeed.

Ah no i mean going far back in to the 60's and see all the tittles all the way to present days, i used the Mcanime list for that, it was a drag, there has been so much... eh bad anime in history, that it didn't took that long, and since i skipped all echi and hentai, that also helped. And yeah my offline list is in the order i have watched them, not really the first 25, but the rest is quite trustworthy in that regard.

Well since i just watch the anime by arcs, i keep the track mostly in my Offline list.

The Afro Samurai manga is so good, i had to buy it, the problem is that the digital fan scanned version seems better haha, but just having it feels good, you know the world is unfair when the free things come ahead, in at least one camp that is not the price.

No, you are not getting me, neither into hentai beyond just masturbation, and even less into futanari, dude no, no, yeah it may have blood rituals, but what i like in gore is the action, for example i am not into torture or BDSM, but i sure love me some good well executed carpet bombing, so i am more of a pragmatist sadist... lets just say violence is not a sexual thing for me, is more of an intellectual taste, the appreciation of damage that devastates, power that annihilates and how well is used, that is why trauma characters who become superpoewerful if they loss consciousness don't interest me, if i have to talk about fetishes, i guess big boobs and lactating big boobs, but enough about this!

Well it's true. :P I downloaded a huuuuge batch of those back in the day, as in the day back when I was actively updating that list. Don't even remember reading half of those... Gotta re-read Devilman Lady some time though, I don't remember anything from that one! I don't even remember how the Naruto manga looked... maybe bad memories in a dual sense...

Haha, I am already listing all the hentai I've seen so if that's not embracing it I don't know what is! I'm not going to showcase it, though. :P Yeah I have accounts there too, even more unused than the MAL one. I used to sign up on every site I stumbled across but now that just seems pointless. True. :)

Yeah that'd be awesome, I need to go back and watch Astro Boy some time... the only anime I know that I haven't seen (I liked the new LA movie), but there's probably a ton of better ones just waiting to be viewed! Drop (1965) was pretty good, short and simple, my favorite out of the Tezuka shorts I've seen: http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=3476 . It's really unlike the modern style of Asian animation too, almost Western. Makes me curious about the first anime's ever made; how they looked...

Good going! I've always ordered my lists alphabetically, but I didn't start maintaining a list from the start so that would've been difficult by then. With all these anime communities it's so easy to keep track of such things automatically, these new generations are lucky people, having everything ordered from the start!


Yupp, material edition are definately special! In at least one camp? :/ Sry, didn't get that phrase at all!

Most of Bible Black is non-futunari butOK, enough talk about that! :P As far as violence in regard to fighting goes, it makes me think back to the Shigurui scene where the guy is holding his own intestines in his hands. Not my type of scene. Maybe not your type of scene either, then? Because Shigurui was full of stuff like that, and that one Swordsman slicing grains of rice on his lovers nipples... I'd say the violence at times had a very sexual connection. As for characters becoming powerful when they lose consciousness, I just watched Shootfighter Tekken, and on two occasions two different characters do get pretty powerful particularly when they lose consiousness... are you thinking of series like Dragon Ball? I think that happened somewhere then, also in Naruto, and... Bleach? Though that was a bit different...

Ah, big boobs, good knowing! :D

Haha interesting restrictions, well they can be ongoing, they can be too long i have no problem with that! and i may even have seen them too, it was mostly to get a feel for each other tastes.

Oh i remember Labyrinth Of Flames, quite funny yes, but i remember that something i don't know what anymore, tickled me the wrong way and i ended making a compromise... but i really can't remember what it was, i just remember the feeling of something being out of place, in correlation i gave this one a 10 http://myanimelist.net/anime/841/Colorful so i really have no idea what happened, so something happened or it is an error on my part.

Well i have some news!
Cencoroll i have not watched it but it reminds me of Narutaru, and i mean the manga the anime dodged a bullet when it decided to change the story XD.
Demon City Shinjuku neither, but it seems familiar, maybe because it looks like Bio Hunter.

But on the other hand:

Cat Returns, i watched it on TV with my mom, and forgot about it, so yeah that one is indeed not in my list, but i already watched it, gonna fix that now, as you can see the words "Mom" and "TV", can tell you how much time passed since i watched it haha.

Ninja Scroll... dude of course that is there! and Paranoia Agent too! yes in fact they appear with the names of Juubee Ninpuuchou and Mousou Dairinin hahaha.

Well most of my mangas are like Afro Samurai, or untranslated if i really don't mind that i can't read it, just the drawing is enough, for example i have a manga of Digimon in Portuguese (V-Tamer) haha, or i just don't have them because there is no way to find them anymore, as for comics, not really that much, DC and Marvel have too much of a monopoly and a lot of talent which ends doing the same stories again and again, but is a business i guess, though the consumers are also at fault for not getting tired of it. I once was into Spawn, but i had to stop, because a friend spoiled me a nonsense that happened, and i decided that it was not worth it.

Well in the case... my probable top 5 right now would be:

One Piece http://myanimelist.net/anime/21/One_Piece
Samurai Champloo http://myanimelist.net/anime/205/Samurai_Champloo
Air Master http://myanimelist.net/anime/230/Air_Master
Hunter X Hunterhttp://myanimelist.net/anime/11061/Hunter_x_Hunter_%282011%29
Grave of the Fireflies http://myanimelist.net/anime/578/Hotaru_no_Haka

In that order. I like all types though, so this probably isn't giving a very complete picture of my tastes! :) Too much echi, maybe? Oh, Colorful definitely seems to crash that theory. I remember laughing frenetically with that series (I mean Labyrinth of Flames, don't think I've seen Colorful) though, I usually don't laugh so it must've been something special.. or I was in a strange mood or something. Anyway...

Narutaru looks a bit more serious, maybe that's just a first impression? Bio Hunter's definitely on my watch list! Though, at a first glance I think Demon City Shinjuku has more to offer, from what I remember the atmosphere was very melancholy somehow, it wasn't just about the violence.

Haha, yeah, Cat Returns is definitely aimed at children, I never watched anime as a kid so I'm getting into these things now. It was just a real feel-good cartoon, fun and creative, left you with a good aftertaste. :) Btw, have you seen Higepiyo, Domo TV or Orochuban Ebichu? Some pretty twisted 'children' shows!

Then you haven't missed the best ones after all. :P How about Vampire Hunter D?

Digimon! I didn't know there was a manga for that.. of course there is though, probably for Pokemon too? Somehow that just seems weird to me, grew up with dubbed trading cards and movies, and the Asian part of the franchise is still so... strange.

I'd love to read more Marvel & DC comics! From the few that I have managed to get hold of the drawings are on a completely other level than what we get, I'm mostly reading The Phantom and Agent X9 (with series like Agent Corrigan, Modesty Blaise, Jeff Hawk, Rip Kirby, XIII, Largo Winch, Johnny Hazard, etc), which probably have comparatively awesome plot, but aren't half as graphical. We don't get any Marvel/DC unless you import or find one second hand. I have a couple of X-Men and one Spawn comic, which I greatly marveled at while reading. Different world!

Logic... in well yeah, One Piece actually is not that bad at taking logic into account, for the most part when it tramples over it is purely for comedic purposes, and impossible things are actually explained, so yeah i guess it can be done, but it would be fucking hard, you don't use martial arts to fight a bomb, and the enemies in OP are bomb level powerhouses!

Hmmm didn't noticed all that, i was more focused in the long ass list, and some minireviews XD.

"Reading" yeah... *clears throat*
*still chokes in laughter regardless* XD.
But what better way to embrace it than being public about it? lololol

My favorite is this one, http://myanimelist.net/anime/3473/Souseiki is so goddamn surreal i just love it!
oh to see him work with styles you must watch this one http://myanimelist.net/anime/2456/Mori_no_Densetsu he goes crazy with this one, is just one style after the other, he blatantly uses Disney, the Russian styles, traditional, his Tezuka look, and a bunch of others, is great i tell you, the plot itself is quite a cliche, but that is just an excuse to make the animation galore that is that movie, indeed i think one could use it to show at an animation class about animations styles.

Ah but then they are screwed if they forgot their passwords! haha.
Also i like my offline list because it helps me get track of my bias, for example in my MAL list i can't order then in the order i added them, but i can do that with my offline one, so i put them side by side and see how my tastes have changed, and well, man... i was more of a perv in the beginning, but i was still longing for big action, and monsters, so as anime was giving me less and less of what i wanted i guess i radicalized my tastes, and suppressed my lust... that's one way i put it, the other one is hormones haha, and that is provably more valid puberty does things.

Ah well usually the advantage of digital fan-scans are 2, their existence itself, which allows us to see what otherwise would be impossible, because there is no way to get it due to discontinuation etc, and the other one is that they are free, but the moment in which a 3rd advantage appears we find ourselves with an unfair situation, in relation with the official version of the same product, that's what i mean, ah and lets forget storage... lets put that one as an extra, important? yes but that really would make it unfair, so yeah just 2.

Word. Well there's definately a different set of rules for superhuman characters, but there are rules all the same. I mean it's not just about superhuman strength, there's usually some form of tactic involved in the combat, not so much martial arts with the superhuman characters (the ones who ate a fruit) as with the more traditional ones, though.

Ah, gotta get back to reviewing anime stuff too! Lately it's just been movies.

lmao, my site is public! :P

The cover of Mori no Densetsu really looks like a Disney film, remind me of Chip 'n Dale. I'll see if I can find them later on...

Yeah, if they don't backup their lists there's bound to be trouble. :) If they do lose an account though, it's easy to import the export format again, no extra work. I love how Google added a download option for all their services... all but email! ARGH! Yeah I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to backups, though ironically I'm incredibly bad at actually actively backing stuff up at all.

But with MAL there's a 'date added' for each title, so if that's the primary list, you'd be able to keep track of when you watched what anyway. Not that I'm discouraging offline lists, MAL just seems increidlby practical in keeping track of everything. Almost too practical, filling in all the extra fields provided is a step away from the simplicity I like... glad it's not mandatory.

Yeah, same here. Oh the horrors of hormones, so many crappy hentai titles in what could've turned out to be a beautiful manifestation of only the best of the best, like... Bible Black! :P I can't say my anime tastes have changed much over the years though, but when I started out I watched everything I come across, now I just select the ones I think I'll like most.

I get point one and two buuut... what's this 3rd advantage that presents an unfair situation in relation with the official version of the same product you speak of? :/ Digital storage isn't always a benefit, digital files are much more susceptible to data loss, aging and unforeseeable damage... like magnetism from a sudden sun storm (you can't predict those more than 45 minutes in advance) or corruption. On the other hand they take much less material space, but that isn't always an issue so I'd say it's a neutral benefit.

With other digital media forms, like CDs, that also have the same problems as mass-storage devices, its a different thing.

Ah but that was a display of a man's resolution! he was putting his all into getting the lord to comply into this man plea! it had to be that graphic and indeed it is pragmatic violence!

On the other hand i agree, the slain of grains of rice on his lovers nipples part, was more of a display of skill and flirting, but i agree it was really pointless, and not to my tastes, but that i didn't liked doesn't means that i hated it, i have high tolerance to violence, but erotic violence is something i am apathetic towards, so with that in mind there is probably some perv who is grateful that Shigurui worked that aspect, just like some other pervs may be glad that Bible Black had women with dicks... no idea why both cases would be into that... but they exist. In that regard i guess i have low tolerance to futanari and traps, so maybe i am a little homophobic, or maybe i don't like lies XD, wait so does that means that if i know before hand that, that thing is not really a woman... that i am ok with it? let me check... back in a sec... aaaaaand, no i am not, so yeah maybe i am a little homophobic haha.

Yeah, but since they were no longer conscious in the end they loss the encounters.

Seen them all except for Air master, Good list.

Labyrinth of Flames is hilarious so i am sure it was not your mood, and if i remember right, colorful is even more funny.

Some of Domo TV, on TV... XD hahaha, oh is a mix of Hamtaro and Crayon Shin-chan!

I have watched both (2) Vampire Hunter D actually, what i'm missing is reading the mangas.

There are a bunch of mangas of Digimon my good man! and most of them are quite good! ah talking about anime you have to watch "X evolution", my favorite Digimon movie.

And the manga of Pokemon... while in no way as near as good as Digimon, i have to say that it is quite decent, as far as Pokemon goes.

Well you know Japan is a weird and pervert place... why? recently they made an official revamp of a female Digimon, and they gave her boobs... there goes my infancy... again XD.

Like i tell you there is so much talent in Marvel and DC, but goddamn that is wasted, everyone ends doing exactly the same.
My mom is a fan of The Phantom!! haha.
Yeah Spawn looks great, like in awesomely great.

Also downloaded Cencoroll and Demon City , will watch them before new year, before family starts appearing to bug.

I remember thinking something about how it was such a waste for him to show his dedication by taking his own life, especially when it had no effect on the ruler, and in such a way... all scenes like that just get me depressed, if there was any point to the sacrifice then it might've been more of an inspiration.

Well I liked that part! Not often you get to see such scenes animated (or anywhere else for that matter), and in difference to the above it wasn't visually repulsive either.. IMHO. If there hadn't been that, the master wouldn't have done... whatever it was he did to punish whomever it was he punished (fuzzy memories here), so it seems there's point, but even without it it would've been a highlight of the show. Eh... yeah, guess there is. :/ On the topic of Bible Black again, just to clarify my stance on this: I'm not glad Bible Black had futunari, if they left that out it would've still been a great series, maybe even better, probably with an appeal for an even broader audience - but I don't mind it either in moderate amounts. I don't appreciate regular futunari series either, or traps, but in the scenario of something like say, a wild demonic orgy, I am OK with it. :P

Haha, natural reaction! I remember watching Sukisyo! back in the day without knowing what it was about and eh... that was ackward. O_o

Well in the first battle he managed to slip out of certain holds thanks to his unconciousness, but in the end he did snap out of it so... yeah, true. Oh, the main character in Tenjou Tenge goes unconscious too, and just attacks on reflexes. Even more similarities!

Thanks. And I'm considering saying: you should watch it!

Another one on my watchlist then. :)

Heh, yeah, they're both crazy! What about Higepiyo though?

Didn't know there were two! And as for X Evolution: I'm on it. This watchlist is getting long!!

You've read that too! Just started thinking of all these trading card anime/manga, like Yu-Gi-Oh, would be interesting with something like that for Pokemon... btw, ever heard of Pukemon? I managed to stumble upon a set of cards a few years back, pretty... interesting.

Haha, all those childhood memories! :D Good thing I never watched anime as akid...

Well at the least the movies turn out good, without plot-repeats. I've marveled at pretty much all Marvel movies too, though the newer ones aren't really up to par in terms of originality, maybe they're going the same way...

And you're not? You're missing out man! ;) There's probably some big differences in the Swedish version considering it's grown so big we have our own authors/artists, but what I like about this character is the fact that unlike most superheroes, he's just a normal person. Sure there's Batman too, but he relies on technological advancements to battle other villains that actually do have superpowers, mutations, etc. With the Phantom it's all pretty down to Earth, and the legacy to fight evil and injustice passes from generation to generation. It's a timeless series that way.

Speaking of Marvel btw, have you seen any Marvel-inspired anime, like Wolverine?

Awesome awesome, I saw some!

Good going, let me know what you think!

Wow, that Cenco is a traitorous bastard XD, haha so now he loses that arm forever AND control over cenco hahaha, and what is with that unfair deal, when the antagonist has to feel all the damage the giant guy is taking? but the one in control is actually the girl? now that is some unfair bullshit.

I'm sorry man, i am sure no one wanted that anime to develop like that, i wan't to believe that it was due to time constrains that they had to pull such cheap, cheap moves, but other than that it is quite good, the ability of Cenco to use and imitate things that he eats is straight out of Naurtaru, but the setting is quite different.

Though to not compare the 2 is almost impossible, now Narutaru is definitively something else, mostly because is quite dark, sad, and just plainly wrong, in big part thanks to the author trying to emotionally blackmail people by putting little girls under situations when little girls should not be, i definitively liked more the manga of Narutaru, even if it had lots of useless violence that i particularly didn't liked, the anime has that too... censored of course and diminished, but it also has some different bullshit in the plot and all that adds up to quite a bad experience, in that regard Cencoroll is better than Narutaru, the problem with Narutaru is exactly that:
Emotional Blackmail.
Sexual violence.
Torturous hardcore sexual violence (in the manga).
And then 2 big doses of different plot bullshits depending of which one is being presented to your eyes, being the manga or the anime, the manga has less bullshit, but the ending is one hell of a bullshit.

All in all i won't say that Narutaru is a good story, is mostly to show off that you watched something grimy and dark, and overall mean people massacring other people not even in a fight like Cencoroll, but most had nothing to do with the issue of these aliens, hell there is even a group that plainly missuses them, and most deaths are entirely out of the humans issues.

So when in Cencoroll the characters are robot like, the ones at Narutaru end having too much feelings, in the sense that they are (justified) emos on a rampage.

Nevertheless, i seem both series as frustrating, the main advantage of Cencoroll is that it was short, and promising quite promising, until Yuki got involved and then stole all the prices (like for real...) but i'm probably being too harsh here...

Yeah, the plot doesn't always twist like I'd like it, but I liked the twists. Even more so I liked the creative absurdity of it all, and the strangely apathetic atmosphere. Don't remember everything that happened though.

I can't say Narutaru sounds like something I'd really enjoy reading or watching, but I should broaden my horizons! Discover the differences and similarities between these two rather unusual classics! With the anime, for now... for later.

I guess if he tries he can pull it off, but it will have its limits at one point, the battles will get just too absurd XD, i wonder how Usopp will survive, well if Buggy did it Usopp can do it too!

Yeah the reviews were quite good.


Yeah give it a search is quite the experience.

Ah that backing up, i feel you man, but i don't think i organised my MAL list in order, unlike my offline list, and really it will take time, indeed they give you a lot of options, a lot! haha.

What? i was sure you could download your mails... well you can "print" them...

No when i started making my list i decided to filtrate, my mistake was to watch all the things that aired in that current season, and oh god were those bad, that's why i can't get into love comedies unless they are extraordinary good, like outstandingly good, other wise i just get bored.

Well imagine that you got all that you ever watched and read regardless of the source in physical format, your house will have no space at all! that was my main point with storage, anyway my third point is in the quality of the product, some times Fan scans have better definition, scaled size, and they are digitally cleaned, i have 2 version of Shonen Jump that i acquired and man do they look ugly as fuck, hell the pages are even colored, some are yellow, others red, others blue, and the paper is quite cheap, is just plain ugly, i tried to just see the images, because i am actually just at basic level of Japanese, so i couldn't do any real reading, and man it is such an unrewarding experience, that is what i mean by unfair.

Yeah but that the lord was an asshole doesn't means that the man didn't had the resolve in his "guts"! haha another pun!

What happened is that the lustful wife messed the life of the handsome protagonist, the master found them, and all hell broke, but it was the wife fault, indeed if i am not wrong i think she assaults him on while he sleeps, why am i so sure of this? because he is actually going for the daughter not the madam!
Hahaha, is ok man, i know you are a perv, i am not gonna judge haha, so if there is too much people and demons it is ok if some of them are dick girls? Hmmm will remember that. haha joking.

Will give it a try, after i clear up my on hold list a little more.

Nop, just finding out about Higepiyo.

Yeah man, there are 2 hunter's D. haha.

Pull what off? Do what? :/

Well thanks again kind sir, always good with feedback (especially good with good feedback)!

Yeah, I'm a bit suspicious of the 'where are these files stored' and 'how much space do they take up' fields though. :P

Oh yeah, you can print, and you can install an offline email client like Thunderbird to download them via POP3 or IMAP, but there's a limit to how many you can download at a time... would be super simple if they had support for email built-in with their other backup features.

That's a shame, I have good memories from a lot of the first animes I watched, like Grenadier, Final Approach, DearS, Girls Bravo, etc... though if then was now, I'd be prioritizing completely different shows!

Well I was thinking of just Manga, that wouldn't fill more than a bookshelf... tops. For any animated media hard drives are definitely the best storage forms, the fastest and most flexible yet. That'd definitely be trouble having seperate physical copies of everything. Point three: true.

lol, it's a tough scene to stomatch. :P

Good memory. :)

That's just one of those scenarios where such things don't seem out of place I guess! :)

Sure, I need to rinse through a ton after all these posts.. and I hope you mean Air Master btw, not the other titles surrounding that mention...

Ah, it's a bit different, a series with short episodes about a drunk bird. On that note, have you ever watched Miss Critical Moment?

That D again! :P

Yeah haha i recommend starting with Hunter D, and then X-evolution, then you pass the tragedy with Colorful, why i say so? because well X-evolution doesn't even has humans, and Omnimon is one of the bad guys, if you at least remember some Digimon, you may imagine the dangers that a bad Omnimon can bring, and the CGI is quite good, indeed is entirely CGI.

Well the manga of Pokemon still goes, and i am not reading it no more, it was getting to bullshitty, Pukemon? nop, i always thought that it was just a joke not an actual real thing! XD.

Well i didn't even knew that it was anime, it was just another cartoon, a really good one.

Ah the movies, yes, there is going to be a point where they will get in the same position, and people will not care at all, that is how it works XD.

Hmm that is exactly why i am not, just like with marvel and DC, i don't like stories at infinitum, i long for an ending, so in this same line i have not seen the wolverine anime, this is the same reason i dropped the pokemon manga, and the good thing of Digimon is that each season has its proper ending, so you see, i actually don't like things that the next, next, next, next, next generation is going to be unable to see an ending to haha, mi mom is ok with it though.

Yeah Spawn is awesome, but just like the examples above, it will never end, another immortal baddass is Golgo 13 (manga), who is still running to this day after decades, and is using the passing of the torch strategy, so while i like it, i just... i just can't man, i just can't.

I've never watched Digimon though... should I watch that first? I stumbled upon some trading cards back when Pokemon was so popular, that's all.

That must've been going for a looong time! Guess with the franchise as popular as it still is there's no ending it though, I've just seen a few of the movies, and a couple of episodes but never got into the series. Oh, and the Slowking's Day OAV, that one was pretty fun! Not like the rest of them.

It's real, I hear they sold Pukemon cards at gas stations for a while. :) I traded myself a few cards, though I've never seen any for sale, doubt they ever had them here in Sweden.

Which one was just a cartoon? Can't spot anything between Pukemon and Marvel moves in my previous comment...

Hope that day is far away yet! Maybe they'll get some new management and: something amazing will happen: change! :D

Well The Phantom comics have been telling the stories of the 21st Phantom for almost fifty years now, just occasionally diving into flashbacks of adventures the previous generations had. But it's true, it's a franchise so it'll never end unless he looses popularity, the original author is dead for many years now I believe. The adventures in themselves all have an end though, you could compare it to James Bond movies, how each piece is an individual story and characters change through the times. I also don't like things that continue forever, but that's when it comes to series (One Piece is becoming a bit like that, though, in just a few years it'll have aired for 20 years! :O)

Nothing with immortal beings?

Yeah if it wasn't for those unfair twist the story would have develop quite differently, and it would have been way longer, so yeah.

You know Narutaru also remind me of Alien 9, in the emotional blackmail, but... i wouldn't recommend Narutaru, not only the story is not really that good, and the visuals average, and i guess the concept is when it shines (the creatures that is), but the main appeal is the horrors, and they are planned horrors, no one here is a traumatized girl that lost it, they know very well what they are doing, and the opening of the anime is a plain and mean trap, i said they are justified emos, but their rampages are not, that is purely the author exploring a concept, that i will dare to say is more in the grounds of fetishism than what i would call pragmatic violence, the whole thing is not the best of experiences.

But... if you decide to watch it... regardless of all my points against, for i don't know, broadening of experiences, or maybe a test of resistance, i then recommend the manga, is more explicit, and overall mean, i do warn you, it has some real disgusting parts, more specifically the Torturous hardcore sexual violence parts in the manga, that don't even involve the monsters, and is actually humans toying with others bodies... and what remains of them, is shock value on its finest, and i guess people who are into Erogore will be into that, to this day i really don't know what was the point of that, maybe to empathize the tragedy, maybe it was revenge, but was it necessary? who ordered that anyway? i can't remember, but i remember that it was not pleasant.

So maybe my warning doesn't helps at all and i am making you curios with this, so to clear all doubt i will say that it is nasty, but if i remember right you said you were on 4chan right? then you may remember a meme that is out of an Erogore manga called Mai-chan's Daily Life? one of the stories is the master of this immortal girl... and he aborts her fetus, rapes it (while alive), and then blenderizes it... it was accompanied by the text "Baby fuck is alright" (and you wonder why i have a bad image of 4chan's users?) anyway, Narutaru is no way near that level of wrongness, but if i have to use math here, i will say that it gets to be one third or one fourth in wrongness... which is still really wrong, but not that wrong, but still wrong.

So that is, all in all... no.

Well the thing with Manga is that, you know, it's just... not animated! :) Feels like it takes effort to pause and read something, whilst watching goes on automatic. But we'll see, I'll take your (un-)recommendations into consideration, since I'm not so much for unjustified shock value (not in regular movies either) maybe I'll skip this, we'll see, the top 5 come first anyway, I have Barefoot Gen ready to watch soon!

Eh... I take it 4chan content (as well as users) greatly varies between the different boards. :P Can't hide from memes, but I definitely haven't seen that one. So it's wrong, but just wrong wrong and not wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong? Right. Got it.

Well remember that Buggy was in Roger's crew, and they traveled the world, but Buggy is a weakling just like Usopp!

Oh, yeah that would be great.

Indeed i mean Air Master since i already watched Cencoroll and downloaded Demon City, i have not found Oni, and i guess i already watched everything else... XD, minus the Hentai that is, which i will ignore haha.

Haha, the premise sounds hilarious how scientifically is the narrator?

He is a cool vampire because he has that will of the D!!!!!

Oh, in that case X-Evolution will not be as good, because it has a lot of reference, and requires some previous knowledge to enjoy the movie, because otherwise you won't get the magnitude of the events, so by watching adventure 01 & 02 plus tamers i guess you could be ready to jump into X-Evolution, ah and read the articles in the Digimon Wiki about the Royal Knights and the Demon Lords, you do that and the movie is a treat!

Pokemon and Digimon, for me they were cartoons not anime, because i didn't know what anime was, i was young and ignorant!

Na it will be another Spiderman Hulk Batman movie, in parallel worlds etc, etc.

Ah but One Piece is not an immortal series, not beings man, series, One Piece has an end, and it was originally supposed to run for just 5 years, but people sometimes have good tastes and they loved One Piece, talking about it, this new filler arc, is quite decent it has the comeback of the Kung Fu Dugong, and it actually explains the rabbit waves that appeared in the manga, indeed, i checked back in the wiki and it seems that some filler arcs are based on single panels or pages that appear in the manga depicting scenery, so they are filler but they also expand the world, and that is great that is how a filler should be, indeed i am planing to go and watch the filler that i ignored!

Golgo 13 is a mortal, his franchise is not!

Yeah i guess not everyone in 4chan is scummy, and is bad of me to generalize.

More like it is "Wrong x 3" and not "Wrong x 5", but the level of wrongness that is needed for someone to publicly lynch you while people think that you deserve the public execution for your depravity is really "half a Wrong / 2" so "Wrong / 4", in that note some Eroguro works get to be "Wrong x 10+"...

I can see you are thrilled by this, but it is intellectual curiosity or the sexual kind?

Aha! True, though Usopp seems to be all but a weakling now, the new evolved Usopp v2.0!! With carnivorous seeds of greatness to snipe enemies with. :P

You're a fast watcher! I'm just now skimming through posts and jotting down what I should be getting/watches, so far it's Gurren Lagann, Barefoot Gen, Kingdom, Film Z, Hajime no Ippo, Ashita no Joe, Baki the grappler, Ichi the killer, Bio Hunter, Metropolis, Genius Party, Colorful, the other Vampire HUnter D, X-evolution...

Scientifically narrator? Which one are we on now? (man it's getting hard to keep track of these posts!) Higepiyo? Not very scientific. :P

Yeaaaah! : D

Shitloats of prior research then! Might skip the whole Digimon franchise as I don't really have a nostalgic link to it either.

Same here, well it was the same with the one movie that I watched (the Pokemon Movie 2000, which I of course regarded as a regular cartoon back then... actually, I don't even think I differentiated between animated and real, it was just a movie). Otherwise I just remember a lot of Scooby Doo, a little Samurai Jack, even less Coward the Cowardly Dog (this one episode about green eggs and chickens with red eyes gave me nightmares for weeks), some cartoon with race cars and eh... that's as far as my animated memories go. Then a quick skimp into DOOM and suddenly I'm not a kid any longer! :L

Ah OK, well if it's the world of One Piece things might get interesting...

Compared to The Phantom, it's... well OK the Phantom's been running since 1954 so I guess it's a bit older... in terms of continuity One Piece is way worse though, it's one giant story split up in 500+ episodes, where the Phantom has 1 episode/adventure.

I was suspecting this might be a filler arc! The truth's been revealed, then. The shame with filler arcs is how you know nothing that happens will have any impact on what happens later on, since it's not taken into consideration within the manga. I'm glad they decided to throw in an arc instead of spacing out the regular series though.


Right you are, just look at Anonymouse: the noble warriors who fight for justice in this corrupt world!

I was going for 1/3 style of wrong, but I guess my math was just wrong. Right? Nothing more to write.

Huh? Thrilled? Well I don't know, just nameless curiosity? I've never regarded myself as an intellectual, but I hope to get to some form of higher plane of understanding through the years, I'd think that what I look for in an anime is: something that stimulates my senses (makes me feel empathy for characters, hopeful about the world, pumped up about a fight, or of course sometimes just regular lust), and the difference between anime I like and anime I don't like is what I gain from this stimulation: some form of satisfaction? Inspiration? Understanding? Adrenaline? Some don't give me much of anything, in which case: low score.

I think that you already watched Tekkon Kinkreet and Metropolis (by checking your list), so in reality it is a top 3 haha.

Well Metropolis is in my 'Will Watch' list since way back, still haven't seen it! I do remember Tekkon Kinkreet though, glimpses of a couple of kids running around in a futuristic antiquity city. Heh, still more than my top 1. :P

Nah Usopp is still weak, because everyone including the enemies got stronger, also Oda already confessed that no matter who joins the crew he wants Usopp to be the weakest in the crew, because he is the closest to an average human, so his roll is in part that of a reference, which also means he is weaker than Nami... and despite that he is my favorite mugiwara XD.

Seems like i have gave you quite a repertory haha.

My bad, the description for "Miss Critical Moment" says that the narrator scientifically explains everything that happens in the show, it seems quite funny XD.

Hmm yeah i guess you could cheat your way if you watch the movie of Digimon which is really 3 movies mixed into one, that would help somehow to warp 01 and 02, i don't really know a cheat for tamers (03), or for the info on the royal knights and the demon lords, other than the articles being not really that large.

Ah CartoonNetwork was overall great indeed.

Na One Piece can end, independent stories can go forever! i will die and they will continue! not really my thing, at least One Piece promises me closure XD, for example look at Naruto, really long but is getting to its finale, a really shitty finale, but is ending, and i can appreciate that. Unlike other things *cough* Pokemon *cough*, other example of franchises without end could be Digimon, but here is the thing, other than the first 3 seasons, every single reincarnation of the series is its own story, and the 7th one came with a fan service opening portals and reuniting the leaders of all the seasons, it was a nice detail, but it was a borderline insult plot wise for the events regarding a character in the background transitioning and uniting Adventure and Tamers, so we could say that Digimon has ended 7 times or 4 times, and if it wasn't because i was there from the beginning i wouldn't be dealing with it XD.

Haha yeah but it seems like a good filler, and maybe it will influence the series future, not the near future but the far away future, because most characters are canon specially Kung Fu Dugon, and you usually don't mess with those, making them pirates giving them haki, i can see them appearing in the manga in a cover explaining what happened to them.

Yeah Narutaru is nothing of that, and a lot of wrongness XD.

Haha top 1 XD.

Oh man, Tekkon Kinkreet was so good, and the city is mesmerizing!

If Oda says so then it must be true! Haven't seen Usopp in a fight since he powered up though, he definitely looks stronger... I guess the lies are part of his human side too, good knowing. My favorite is Luffy btw. Not so creative I know, but I admire his resolve! The dream he chases! Living truly without any regrets! He has a code I'd like to live by as well... with some eh... many exceptions.

Yeeeah, it's going to take a while! And now it's Christmas too. I guess for most people that means more free time but I find it's the other way around...

Oh, yeah, the Narrator's always serious and scientific! There's plenty of x-ray imagery (though never detailed), graphs and other visuals to guide the narrative as well. Quite the contrast to the main character. It is fun, if you like the overboard exaggerated occasionally ridiculous also potentially echi and bizarre type of humor it bestows. :P Some episodes more than other, they're all around 5 minutes each btw.

It's OK man! I'll leave Digimon be! Pokemon too. If they made a series out of Pukemon I'd be compelled to watch though, that'd be... different...

Yeah, I remember watching a lot of Cartoon Network and Disney Challenge back then. Well probably not that much, but if I did watch something on TV that was all I watched. Now I don't even watch TV...

Apart from anime though, are you against franchises like James Bond? That'll probably go on forever too, but still it's closure with each segment. Maybe you'll look forward to the next one after watching, but that anticipation will pass, just like you sometimes wish there was more of a certain anime after it's aired out.

That's a lot of endings. :D

Oh, so filler elements from the anime do pop-up in the manga eventually? I thought Oda worked independently from the animated series? The Strong World movie was the only one he's personally directed as far as I know. I agree it's good filler, there's just that one downside with all filler that separates filler from non-filler, iller, content that towers like a pillar over filler content!

Yeah, lots of detail!

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