Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




Joined on 1/17/04

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i hope 2024 doesnt become hell like 2022. also, i love the angryfaic sunglasses!

2023 wasn't all as bad then huh? ;) Hell yeah!!! Here's to that! Also... wait... by ZoidNG? Did I unintentionally draw something here...?

@Cyberdevil no the one on ur pfp

Ooh that one! Need to be more attentive. XD That's not an angryfaic sticker per se, it's the neutral/devoid-of-emotions/ambiguous-and-easily-interchangeable-expression emoji, but ty! If I could change that picture without my other avatar changing too now I'd probably alter the mood sometimes...

Happy new year CD! 2023 certainly wasn't the comeback year I was hoping it would be, but that/s on me (bars).

Hopefully in 2024 I can even the score.

Happy New Year Nachos! Indeed! :D Yeaah I was plotting big things too.. always the mission to bring 'em to fruition, but now the new year's starting up! With new dreams and ambitions! New focus and intention! A focal intervention! A new dawn's brewing, though I stir late... and in Japan they've already had an earthquake.

Hell yeah! Let's both do some grand things with this one!

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2024 to you too phenorax! TY!

Yo happy 2024!! What are your plans for the year?

Btw, big congratulations on passing 2,000 followers, that's fantastic! I suppose I'll hit that milestone soon enough too.

Heeeey Zanz! How've you been? A little surprised I hit 2k before you did, suppose games always were a bit underrated a content genre, but then again... I have been around a while longer huh. XD Hope you get there soon!

For starters I'm planning to finish up an ongoing freelance design gig, then zone out and plan ahead a bit, didn't get as much contemplative time around New Year as I hoped. :) And this year blew by. Mainly just make stuff though I suppose, as much as possible, experience things, meet new people, figure things out a bit further when it comes to this life and all... how about you?

Happy New Year good dude!

@Zanzlanz FYI I love the cookie notice you have on your site. XD Shall read up a bit more there later on, forgot about those recaps!

@Cyberdevil I've been doing well, thanks! Just doing what I always do, you know how it is!

Ah you're too nice! I was actually surprised I was so close in follower count; you're such a welcoming and active poster in this community. So go celebrate on behalf of us followers, it's obligatory and well-earned :D

I like your general plans! Very positive and achievable haha. As for myself, yeah just making progress on reviving the last handful of my projects that died with Flash. I'll just keep learning, growing up, and trying to get momentum again, haha

Well I don't know if I do know EXACTLY how it is to do what you always do, but staying prolific no doubt? ;)

Well thank you! :) Soon as the current job's accomplished I shall do so properly! And hey... I'll have had this account for twenty years in a week or so now. Might be good occasion to do that too.

Haha well all goals are general in lack of more well-considered specifics. XD It helps to be have more precise goals if you really want to accomplish as much as possible I feel... but more of those later. I do have one main resolution for the year, eternally bound to my: https://cyberd.org/img/7/The-Daruma.jpg

...ever tried one of those? :P

You're not working with Flash at all these days then? Although it is possible to emulate pretty well with Ruffle these days - and integrate that elsewhere as well? AS2 more than AS3 though I suppose - if you were using cutting-edge code maybe what you have done with it really isn't possible to emulate yet. But Flash lives! Hope to join in on the Jam this year too.

May you get back all former momentum too real soon man, I didn't realize it'd been missing, still see you pretty frequently in the news threads! Ganbatte!

@Cyberdevil 2000 AND 20 years! That is perfect timing, and brilliant!

You must have shown me a Daruma doll before, that seems familiar. May you succeed! :)

For development, no, I do not use Flash. For animation, I have used it a bit the last few years. But to end the Era, I will officially stop paying for Animate this year. ?
My AS2 games are happily running on Ruffle, and I rewrote the rest of my games in my Haxe game engine. So I'm just kinda moving forward with that! I'm definitely not as fluid as I was in Flash yet, but it is definitely the right way to go as of now.

Thanks for the wishes! Yeah when Flash died, it took with it most of my revenue and players haha. I am trying so hard to improve and evolve to keep sharing what I love to do, and hopefully make it work again. I'm active as ever I think haha (but also while tending to my fulltime job of course).

Just about exactly a thousand per decade basically. XD

Oh! You must've seen one somewhere else then, this is the first year I have one actually. :) Got one for Christmas; just read up on the story behind it. It's a pretty cool thing. You fill in one eye, make a resolution, and leave it in a highly visible area for the rest of the year... until you get that resolution done and fill in the other one! And ideally start next year with a new one, and burn up the old one in a special ceremony, though seems kinda wasteful to just burn up a work of art like this... I may keep it. With two eyes though! That's the plan. Thanks man. :)

The eyebrows are meant to symbolize the crane btw, which is said to live a thousand years, and the 'mustache' the turtle, which is said to live ten thousand. It's molded after Bodhidharma, who is said to have meditated so long his arms and legs fell off, thus the rounded form... etc etc. Wonder if anyone actually believes any of this, but it's pretty cool how much lore goes into it all; how everything's symbolic of something. The actual symbol stands for something like resolution and actualization too. Fun thing. Aaanyway, moving on from teh dolls...

Ah were you using Animate for animation specifically too? Did it have Flash-like capabilities as well? I've never used that one. Saw they had a Character Animator thing now too, though no real replacement for the one and only it seems... good to know regarding Haxe, seems like good software too.

I'm curious what you think about Ruffle though, and the Flash Forward Jam and such incentives to keep it all going, would you be all for another wave of it all, or rather move onto other technologies and alternatives either way? I never had it as a revenue source the same way you did, so I suppose I didn't feel the impact of Flash getting killed the same way; I'm pretty happy about NG somewhat being on the forefront of development there now. No longer reliant on Adobe, not even a plugin - being able to run all of this stuff with regular code that anyone can implement and further contribute to if they want to... it's pretty amazing IMO! Maybe making a little something for the jam might jostle up some good exposure? ;) Or prize money, if it's more than a little something... the pot's been building too....

Well whatever new enterprises or alternatives you move onto I wish you the best with 'em! :) The Internet overall's definitely an unpredictable platform, revenue streams come and go, overall ad value really decreased with the pandemic too, I wonder if sponsorships are the best way these days, maybe slowly but surely the middle-men are getting cut out, traditional ad networks don't perform as well as they used to...

Fulltime job now btw, curious what it is you work with if wish to share.

@Cyberdevil Ah, I'm mistaken about the doll. It is familiar though, I wonder from where I'd hear about it before. The symbolism is interesting, thanks for sharing!!

Flash is still one of a kind, whether because of its vector tools, its lack of barrier between design & development, or the community that spawned from it. Its ecosystem might be gone, but that doesn't mean there aren't other tools or communities that share one or more of these qualities! :)

Oh yeah Ruffle is insanely impressive and capable. It's of course a bit slow in some cases, and I've been praying that a brave soul will fix a fundamental AS2 timeline "bug" that breaks a game or two of mine XD

I'd be all for another wave of Flash, forever honestly! But I do not expect it to *feel* the same. The state of the internet and how it is used has certainly shifted. But let's keep the spirit of Flash as alive as we can, absolutely!!

Thank you for the wishes <3 Yeah because marketing is getting much harder for everyone, being an indie is getting harder from all fronts. Gotta work harder and smarter than ever to get things rolling!

I respect everyone that is trying and salute anyone who is succeeding. It is NOT easy, so supporting each other will help all, in so many ways.

I'm a developer at a small local app company. Our main focus is FanLabel (a fantasy sports app, but about predicting music success, not sports wins), but we have a handful of other properties in various states of development.

Sure thing. :) If you're at all been into Japanese/Asian culture you might've seen something similar before, or just seen one elsewhere, seemed somewhat familiar to me too.

Mmm totally agree there. :) It had the brush smoothing functionality real early on too, made it so much easier to make things look good back in the day, and still, compared to a great deal of other, simpler contemporaries... I wonder what would've happened with it if Adobe never bought up Macromedia; if they'd kept developing it as it was. It was so ahead of it's time initially; had such a good balance between functionality and UI.

Oooh which bug/what games? It's reported on Github I hope? Interesting, I thought they'd sorted out pretty much everything when it came to AS2 specifically...

That's true. :) Different times now, and when AI starts getting involved in the creative realm too... seem people may stop making the same effort to make simple things. But Flash Jam involvement on you part in particular? Considering? ;)

Indeed! And yet if the Patreon type of support system was a circular one entirely it wouldn't work so well, need to get in that extra revenue to circulate there too somehow. :) Respect to those who do make it for sure; who juggle jobs and find ways to keep going with their passions no matter if they're profitable or not! And all the more respect to those who actually do make it work as a business no less! Salute to you too!!!

Ah so in a way you are working with what you did as a hobby too... interesting, and a fun concept... if you're interested in feedback: the three bullet points (SIGN YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS + 2 others) fade into view pretty much after I've scrolled past them on the site, maybe a bit slow a transition for thinner screens.

I'm just looking at the site now of course, but JSYK. :) Looks great overall, hope it's profitable too!

Could you read my latest news post?

I could. :) On my way now...

ever seen Society of the Snow?

Noo that one looks good too... a bit like Cold Pursuit but... totally different.

Peace and Chicken Grease...

Like VicE with ease!


15/1 hmm... yupp that was a tiresome one. :) Morning client meeting, last minute changes... managed to accidentally delete a central design element in the process but it went OK!

I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Me too but hmm... is this a reference to some old; iconic NG-related text somewhere?

where the f*ck r u

I'm in Östersund dude, doing design from early mornin' till midnights, times low, online slow

@Cyberdevil The timeline bug: when using something like "gotoAndStop", Flash actually initializes all of the frames between the current and destination frames, including variable definitions. I have provided my specific bug report, a game I made called "Hoosha" doesn't play because of how the level reset works.

No Flash Jam for me, probably! I haven't jammed in 8 years, gosh. I'm focused on working on and hopefully some day finishing the dozen projects I've started.
3 years & 1 day ago, my game jam "capstone" project was a bundle/launcher I made of 10 of my jam games. It has 100 achievements, and no one has 100%ed it yet, but I did make my first $100 in game sales. 100!
Will you Flash Forward?

Hey salute to you as well!! :D

I appreciate the feedback on the site ^^ Don't worry though, the entire site is currently being completely redesigned this season anyway, by our marketing friends

Ooh I've used that action a lot too, maybe not variables though... good to know. That does seem like a very fundemental; important thing to fix too.

Aight aight, best prioritize the important stuff. :) Dannng, I need to play that one... hey congrats! 100 may pay bills only momentarily but solid accomplishment still! I do plan to Flash Forward myself yes. :) Hopefully there's time for it... atm it's running away, need to start something soon.

Mutual salutations for great and creative celebrations! :D

Ah it looks so fresh already otherwise! Intriguing. Lemme know if y'all want an extra visit when it's up. ;)

Östersund? did they pay for a hötel for you to lodge at?

Nah, it's not a hugely lucrative gig this thing, I'm working with/am hired by my nephew, who has a small production company, staying with the family while I'm here.

Big bro has a spare one-room apartment though, almost as good as a hötel.

Who Will Now Congrat The Daily Portal Winners To Inspire Them To Make More Flash Animations.

Of Course I Will Still Always Do The Daily!Congrat + Post Stat! #real-life-priorities

@Zanzlanz to elaborate, I mean I have used vaiables too but:

*maybe not variables to the same extent though/in conjunction with such events... have made games for example that are based entirely on GotoStop/Play events and nested MCs, probably very simple coding in comparisson...

@Cyberdevil Well I'm thinking Flash Forward could be an excellent opportunity for you to challenge & level up your coding skillz! :D

That is true! :D Will most probably not result in all that more advanced content than I have worked on already, but who knows, maybe I'll run into some brand new cool age-old AS epiphanies!

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