
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Nice, finally a decently lengthy poninja tribute, complete with special effects and tons of weapons and other stuff. There's really a lot of content in this, and good effects and movements. The sound effects and background music is nice as well. Only thing that could be improveed a bit is the background, which is just gray, at least at the beginning, but then again I suppose that was the way of the original Poninja episodes. Great animation overall, and the changes of angle, the small interactive sequences, etc, are all appreciated additions! Great tribute/spinoff/etc!


The intro button kind off lowered my expectations a bit, but the animation itself was great! Characters don't tilt or zoom in/out at all, as in the original, but the fading swishes, different weapons, different foes, all of that is still there. Nice tribute!


Starts off a bit slow, but it speeds up quickly! The fighting is nice and varied, but it's too damn short! Half an hour would've been better, but yeah, no matter how little content, it was well-made! Much-appriciated!


Nice, a worthy tribute to a great series of action-filled animations! It's a bit gray, especially the background, and when the character is moving and there is nothing else on the screen sometimes it feels like he's just standing still. Otherwise, it's all good, great action, variation, effects, nice music too!


Nice! The flashy effects, the sweatdrops, the different weapons, it's all there! Some of the effects are especially nice, like the laser getting reflected, and the character holding a too heavy sledgehammer is pretty comical. End fight could've been longer though, but I suppose the idea is just to end it unexpectadly. Anyway, great flash, great tribute!


Watched the lot of these waaay back, now I'm watching them again! :) Apparantely I reviewd all of them already except this one, which coincidentally seems to be the first one with background music and eh... background. It's much shorter than the previous three, but the effect are much much nicer than they were before, and i already know they keep getting better. This is still the best Madness spin-off ever made, rivalling the original, even. If you ever pick up the series again that would be awesome!


I was going to say this was a pretty feelgood film, but the end is just.. tragic. Really ice concept though, and the sketcy style of animation works well with the setting, everythings bright and sunny til the end of the animation. Keep it going!


Christmas is all about having fun though, and this was a lot of it! Thank you for sleep-depriving your nights to bring us this present. Anyway, never been much of a Beyblade fan, but this makes me want to give it a shot, just cause it's such an anti-tribute. :D Animation is smooth, stylish, and the comedy is just... sublime. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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