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Another great work! I like the trailing slashes in particular, they don't just enforce the sense of motion in the picture but also happen to look just... really cool. :P Nice work!


The fading effects in this one are pretty neat, and such warm colors along with the embrace... it definately conveys the notion of a sad farewell! Nice work!


These are some pretty impressive Megaman sketeches!! If you hadn't been around a while already, submitting animations, with a DA account and everything, I'd really doubt it wasn't fetched straight from a game cover, concept art or something. :) Zooming in reveals the somewhat fuzzy lines, but in small/normal view it looks amazingly flawless, so clear and shiny. And a powerful Megaman-typical pose to go along with it too! Great work!


What a crazy black and white sketch! So much detail! Was wondering if it was scribbled in haste or carefully cluttered over a span of time, and by the description it sounds like the latter? The motive that stares at me through the clutter seems like the face an agitated man, mouthful of insinuations and insults, clouding the air in front of him as much as his already clouded judgment... nice work!


GabrielLoganStudios responds:

Yes, very scribbled and cluttered over... Actually, the drawing took me short to 2 days to finish. It didn't have much easiness into it, but I think I'm proud of this one. It was an honest piece, and it doesn't hold back a lot if you looked past censorship. Go ahead, take a much closer look... Your interpretation is too interesting... I don't know, do you believe it?

lol, that was random. WIll the evil Doctor Yamimoto get away? Will the future of humankind be dark and grim and dreary, or will his plans for global domination be foiled and everlasting peace spread over the surface of Earth? Graphics a bit basic, but the story, albeit generic and basic: not bad! :P


RichieeeRich responds:

Thankyou for the support we are currently trying to get voice acting and animation for the series this is just a blue print of the shinobi warriors

Simple, abstract and colossaly colorful! I like it. Like the different angle too, the sense of falling, or maybe a lack of gravity... it feels nice! Soft and atmospheric despite all the edges!


Littlebox responds:

Thank you! I didn't know I could even do that!

Mmm, I remember that track... can't say I 'see the song' in this image, but it's definately an abstract piece, subtly colored, a Picasso-like twist to the face. Looks a bit somber and melancholy, or maybe old and wise... nice work!


GabrielLoganStudios responds:

It's a rather nice track... I appreciate your honesty, and how you have your own opinion against others. I like your thinking, a Picasso like twist? I love that, thank you so much! If I could guess it, he's old and very wise... I'm glad you liked it!

A tough and realistic yet grittily simplified character sketch! Looks good!


The light of hope glows bright in this one! And what a contrast between the character holding the orb and the energy itself... interesting piece!


I'm definitely thinking Ratchet & Clank when I see this. :) Love the character designs, one chunkily buff, one funkily rough, all in all interesting character design too. Great work!


krissen responds:

Thanks man, glad you liked it! :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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