Seems like everyone is participating in this one contest. :D Those spotlights hmm... they really look like two pairs of legs just running away, floating in the air there. At first I imagined they were remnants of some brutal explosions, part of Deadpool's attempts at subduing certain groups of people as to not ruin the day... but once you know they're lights... the left one still reallylooks like a pair of legs! Just can't get rid of that impression! XD
Character art looks nice, a cozy embrace, and the lighting atmospheric, though background feels a bit rushed in detail. Lines on the road, the heart of police officers, trashcans, sidewalks and windows and walls... it looks good at a glance, but in original resolution it's a bit noticeable. If they were in motion I imagine the blur might've seemed more natural. Anyway, looks good overall; good luck with the contest! :)