A very ladylike ladybug indeed! :) Interesting how only her wings are the regular pattern. You'd think they'd be the main decoration, but the green does break off nicely against that spotted red. Looks good!
A very ladylike ladybug indeed! :) Interesting how only her wings are the regular pattern. You'd think they'd be the main decoration, but the green does break off nicely against that spotted red. Looks good!
Colorful, powerful and flowerful! Looking good!
Thank you so much ^~^
Two blank eyes and a third eye that's not hmm, wonder if I that means you're viewing the world through your mind, rather than your eyes? Living in a creative realm of your own choosing? Or am I reading too much into it; it just looked cooler that way? :P It's a pretty smooth portrait, demonish, detailed, but still not all to o'evil'. Looks good!
The thing about the eyes its just i thought it looked cool haha but since it doesnt have a meaning behind it, its up to the viewer to decide what they see. This is what it was based on http://i66.tinypic.com/t6xo2t.jpg But thank you for the review!! I appreciate it!
That's a pretty cool collection of fine-point pens/markers/whatever they be? And also dog, though kinda not the most in-focus. :) Somebody's reading this shit anyway!
looks like i have to change that now =)
Thank you 4 the review ^~^
A pretty slick drawing! Nice form, color, and outlines that bring the character towards you. Nice work.
Thank you for you comment, and I'm sorry for just seeing it.
What a CRAZY pixel interpretation of this One Epic Guy. XD Love it.
You can choose to step into the darkness, or remain into the light huh... nicely conveyed meaning with this one! Character art's simple but effectual.
Thank you!
Pretty smooth character art! I like creative coloring too, though background feels a bit bland in comparison. Maybe either darker or brighter white/black would be better to bring out the color? Looks good though.
That's a pretty intense-looking portrait! Nice work. And relevant with the Logan movie coming soon too. Looks as tough as ever.
Thank you!
I saw this yesterday, and wondered why the expression seemed so overly enthusiastic it was almost eerie, and I think it has to do with the shading in the face - the lines. That combined with the wide eyes gives the impression she's scared shitless, even though her body otherwise seems to express exhilaration rather than fear. It was an interesting realization. :) A very nice character sketch though!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04