Them abs! It does indeed look good. Nice line work and outlines. Colorful, with a creative angle and details that frame in the character. Looks playful and plushy. Nice piece.
Them abs! It does indeed look good. Nice line work and outlines. Colorful, with a creative angle and details that frame in the character. Looks playful and plushy. Nice piece.
Interesting how color can change the setting so much (and cool sprite work starred in the palm of a skeleton hand too). Is that the main focus of this piece, or is this the 'complete' one, as it was meant to become? The watermelon-colored one felt a lot more consistent, but nice character art! The star seems like the one thing not really fitting in, maybe not enough blur around the edges? Maybe too much? Doesn't flow together that well. Otherwise: all nice.
yeah, the compositing and borders were the last consideration on my mind and i really just wanted to see this piece over and done with. i could have spent another hour at least hmm'ing over it but i just went for it. seeing it all together is helping me realize what isn't working, and what i need to plan out better in the future. In some ways i envy people who do art traditionally, the prep work in the beginning forces better compositional arrangement then the way digital art allows me to do everything separately and try to crush all the elements together last minute.
Love both color scheme and motive! So vivid, and fresh, and unusual... like a Hawaii shirt with skulls. Skillful contrasts between what feels like pain and peace, and atmospheric backgrounds to match. Nice!
Crisp, cute and characteristic. Nice piece!
Cute and colorful! Not bad for an apple. :P Maybe she's an... Applet?
What an interesting combination! Though with such an abundance of jagged teeth it looks almost like a shark in a camo suit. Interesting.
A beautiful piece! Slick, sinister and suitably spooky. Thw crown/thorns make me think of the State of Liberty a bit, though scenery otherwise feels both stereotypically (crow, castle) and creatively eerie. Nice piece.
I love that analysis. Thank you
A nice character piece! Smooth, strong and sensual. And is that a... humanoid teddybear? :O Interesting details...
It's a party! :D Cute, creative, trippy, happy. Deliciously crisp pixels, plenty of bounce and even Angry Faic thrown around in a positive way. Love it! Happy Pico Day!
A pretty menacing piece! I like the approaching darkness, and creative use of textures; splatter. It looks grungy and simplistic, and only part that looks almost overly simple are the gradients on the Tar Boy silhouette. Overall though: powerful piece! Nicely put together.
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04