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A pretty fierce looking old man with a massive hammer! :D Nice.


So sunny and idyllic! Love the color, both light and shadow really feel like summer, purple, blue and brighter hues... something nice to look at in these dark winter days!


Smooth, simplistic and stylish! Beautiful work.


Oh man, what an awesome idea! :D The Crew could be selling something like this, would love to have a few clocks on the fridge. Great mold and color, only the leaf on pineapple/strawberry looks a bit uneven, all else: flawless.


A really smooth portrait! I like the angle too. Just that simple diagonal line in the background. Feels like it really adds in space and dimension. Nice piece!


Finally a piece I can see is digital. XD Though I love the effect. Very nice attention to detail, and the texture/shine. Looks like something out of NFS Underground. Nice work again.


YakovlevArt responds:

Most of my work is digital, LOST and Stairwell are the only ones I used mostly photos on. I was aiming more for an emotion and aesthetic that I had in mind when even taking the photos; knew I was going to use them this way. with those. Glad you like this one though.

Pretty creepy indeed, and wouldn't have thought it wasn't a photo if you didn't say so... this is pretty awesome!


YakovlevArt responds:

This one has more painting in it than LOST

So this... isn't a photo? City light photo on a photo of the sea, with the character painted on it? Mountain photo in background? Or sea photo overlapping photo of mountain? Or are those normal clouds/some other texture? The character's digital... right? Hair looks painted, but everything else is so real... I can't seem to tell which pieces this is all put together of, really cool, would be interesting to know how it was made/what is really what! Nice work.


YakovlevArt responds:

I'm glad you're asking all those questions about the technique because that's what I was hoping this would evoke. All of the photos are ones I took with the intent of blending together in this way. I tried to be more meticulous with the manipulation without going overboard and making it look obviously fake. I wanted people to not be sure what's real and whats painted. The sky is a crusty wall texture I used to give the image some age and grit. The figure is the most painted but mostly because I wanted it to match the environment more in terms of values and colors. And lastly the bokeh lights in the back are slightly manipulated to match the surreal nature of the image.

I missed the day, but with a little userscripting it should be possible to relive it again thanks to this. :) Really smooth work. Simple but solid art... in a hazy trail-like way. Love the bright colors and optimism, like this is the year the crew's reborn and the era of old comes back to life! Or... more dystopian symbolism. Either way: nice work.


A pretty pretty rendition of this classy cult character! Looking good. Nice work with the light and shadow,though the leggings appear so... gray! Would expect more gradients even with such neutral color.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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