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Simple but styleful! :) Looks Asian somehow, too. Nice piece.


Now this was a fun one. :) Yin and hang in mind... balance? A snake like an oroborous? Eternal balance? A spacey entity with heart in mind or eh... well, maybe shouldn't overanalyze the details! It's chaos overall.

Groovy work though, and so much detail on that planet surface too! Oh hey, maybe he's the man in the moon? Though it looks a little orange...


Another self-portrait? The form's a bit different in this one, so not sure if it is thy self or someone else... if it is though, it seems you're working like a machine. Too much on the mind. Computer all the more organized. Roles switched up... and yet it's a robot body with a mind of material things... meaning we live our lives as machines, let computers control us, and have too many distractions...? If oversimplified. Plenty of details to delve deeper in...


One more of these crazy creative portraits! :) Gotta love the style.


And then one more of those crazy personal portraits! XD That left (right, if seen from the beholder) eye really looks like the Rinnegan too... wonder if there's any intentional reference there? In terms of meaning it almost seems like this man isn't living a life of his on... or is he a puppet to his psyche? The mind the master? Interesting hierarchy there...


Such an incredible amount of lucid detail in all of these sketches! And that DNA strand that spirals through it all, lighting up our gray-lit past with life and purpose... deepening with symbolism too.


A man made of many men! The organs of a tree. Disorganized chaos. Organized organs. And someone wonders the path and wonders, seeing the people but not the bigger picture... there's so much symbolism in this! I love how it all fits together too. One massive, bizarre collage of humankind. Society. The universe. Religion. Monogamy. Everything. Now just imagine this piece in color...


And so... the third eye awakens! If there ever there was a scene when it was seen, I assume this is what it'd be like to wake up from a nightmare and realize... it's real life. I like how the green stands out, and the background's grayed even though it's probably all the same color. Interesting design; interesting contrasts.


Well that WAS a nice ending. :) Well, not NICE per say, but... conclusive. Better than I'd expected. It seems to say nothing and yet it says it all, and did all of this in such a leisurely way too... nice little gem of a comic. Now, I'm really wondering how this came to be? Own idea? Any real-life references, or inspirations, or motives in telling what here be told? Well done.

And yes, it would be nice to see more!


A melancholy little series this is turning into too... wonder how it'll be summarized in that one final frame, the big picture's in the details...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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