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Really on a roll with all these pixel loops. :) Pretty weird one here hmm... some story behind this vengeful little turtle? Seems almost like someone else might be using him as a remote weapon though, considering he couldn't possibly have tied that knot himself... props on a motive I definitely never saw before! XD Good stuff.


gatekid3 responds:


being a weaponized turtle kinda runs in the family.
Leonard is the nephew of Lord Reginald III...and he would be proud...

As for why he has the knife...he just does.

That's a... large face in the sky there! Or a very small main character, hard to tell which is which... intriguing motive though, makes you wonder what's going on, and the drawing's both smooth and suitably simple. Good stuff.


jouste responds:

thanks so much! I actually did this one pretty quickly which i was really happy with. I want to try and get stuff out even faster than I normally do.


It's the Joe! :D The mythical! The majestical! The viewtiful one and only! Nicely drawn.


Lots of expression in those sketches. :) Warm colors and smooth line work! Looking good!


Another one with that third eye... open? Hard to tell if her eyes are an icy gaze, or her eyelids are closed to the worlds... but considering the lines it seems like the former! I like the sketchy style and contrast. The color and texture makes me think of the Statue of Liberty too, though definitely Elsa in form! Nice work.


Liaf-art responds:

Yes, another one with that third eye involved! :) Aaaand you got it right, they're supposed to be open - I like how you called it, "icy gaze"! :D Thank you!

Simple but good! The kind of work you'd expect from a project like this. :) Nice idea in the purpose of practicing the arts too, though seems it didn't get all that far...


They just get better and better. :P Skin looks smooth, towel looks dropped appropriately... just the hair comes off somewhat flat I think, affecting the shape of the head overall... or maybe the size is a bit off. Overall: nice work! Wonder what happened to the remaining 95 portraits planned btw? Was the project abandoned? Posted elsewhere? Would've been cool to see.


Harley... not looking as much like Harley as I expected, though maybe more based on the comic book version than the real one I've grown accustomed too. Or, the newer version, if she's changed. The ice and face and suit are all that seem different, basically her whole being here... but the coloring isn't bad indeed. Good glow and texture. Maybe a bit much powder on the face.


Wonder what the âEU characters are meant to be in the description - assuming that's some unsupported foreign characters there. Don't think I've seen this one before, but she looks good! Vicious eye work too. XD


Marge looking untraditionally oldskool and dutiful here! Classy work. Definitely a whole new figure.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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