So bright and fiery! Big fan of the outline-less style too - whenever it works - which it clearly does here. Possibly the coolest Eevee (or is that a Flareon? New breed?) I've stumbled across.
So bright and fiery! Big fan of the outline-less style too - whenever it works - which it clearly does here. Possibly the coolest Eevee (or is that a Flareon? New breed?) I've stumbled across.
Final one's definitely a favorite. :) Love the style overall! The ambient lighting and setting too, and detail, and the contrast between Mashu and the bottle. It really shines... in a different kind of way. Bodes for a great new year! Happy 2019 again!
If only summer's were anything like this. :)
Another great one, and an appreciative variation in her expressions too, even if the wide-eyed one seems to fit badly with the other/softer ones. Good stuff.
Just can't get enough of these now! :D Animation's steadily increasing too it seems, though the detail level's so much higher here too.
Though I do prefer the more voluptuous characters, I really like the ambience with this one. Both the pace and that background. Soft rain... it adds so much. Would be cool with more of these with a similarly dynamic setting. Just realized that in all the others: the background doesn't move. It's such a big thing.
Blindfold + mask = simple but so effectual and atmosphere-conditioning addition! Nice.
A bit simpler, and a bit stressed with the speed, but not bad at all. The background's just perfect too.
And this one too! Something special about these blindfolds too...
Really feels like you polished the motions with this one, thighs and stomach in particular, impressive realism. Enjoying the mood...
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04