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Another coloring book entry hmm... curious if you're making these for the books as the month goes, or picking out entries from earlier books? Remaking earlier motives?

Once again it's a creative miniature landscape motive, seemingly suitable for a latter Halloween post date. :) The forms come across clearer here too. If it's the solid lines, or how the different forms/elements are just easier to distinguish from one another. Looks clear. I like the way the grass bends too. Some of the mushroom hat shading (no idea what you call that bit... mushroom membrane?) seems a bit rushed, but overall solid work! All nicely framed in by the greenery, black and white though it may be.


KaileahPNelson responds:

I think its called a mushroom membrane.
To be honest this coloring book one is from a earlier book but the did fit the theme and in the beginning when I started inktober, I was still figuring out what it was. lol
So I thought at the time as I continued to draw, I'd get some advertising done at the same time, by simply giving my fans a small taste in what I have to offer and that they should keep in might that no illustration of mine will be repeated (so backgrounds are never the same, gotta come up with a new one that does even wave to the last one and will be unique on its own)
So details very in each illustration, some on the lighter details so its not too busy while others have heavier detail for those who like the crazy amount of details to color. 50/50

Buggy's World hmm... if it wasn't for the bug I'd have taken that as a One Piece reference. :) The apparition of that cricket did have me chuckling as soon as the image appeared, and the thought of these common insects emitting all but common sounds hmm... that'd be pretty interesting. XD Maybe in a parallel world somewhere.

Feels like the watermark/signature's a little distracting mid-image, but otherwise not bad... the proportions look right too, and you seem to capture both the wind and the width of the landscapes with the forms of the clouds and mountains here. It does feel a little cluttered/crammed together in black and white, but colored in I guess it'd be pretty easy to distinguish between the elements.

Making your own color books too! Impressive. It's been a long time since I tried one of those but it definitely seems like a therapeutic thing. I like the idea.


KaileahPNelson responds:

A lot of people like me Buggy's World and the Yodeling Cicadas seems to be popular on NG, or at least hit it off well. I had gotten 5 votes in a matter of a couple of days which would normally take like 2 weeks lol
I actually sold out of my stock of Buggy's World that I had built up, at the last craft fair that I was at. I got 5 therapeutic coloring books out now with a 6th on the way, which is be a patriotic based one in dedication for the soldiers and veterans who fight and fought for our country.
Therapeutic coloring books are very popular nowadays. Its not for kids anymore but for teens and adults to grandparents even.

Wish I could've seen those earlier pieces leading up to this one! XD It's... uncommentable. What kind of mastery may follow after this...


This is really cool. Minimalism at its finest, just like the old games. Love the dust/splash effect and how his grin plays as he stomps down. Solid work.


I love it. XD Whatever it is this most definitely is life.

I'm now tempted to start making all my project filenames slightly cryptic and irrelevant to the original work too. Maybe someone will wonder some day. Maybe I too.


I know pixel art's meant to be pixelated, but it's strange how this particular wing pattern comes across more as blurry than as the crisp pixel piece you'd expect... the colors converge.

Not a bad form though. Just something about that texture. Too realistic...? Interesting that might work with the wrong way with this particular art form.


gatekid3 responds:

some pixel art does have that look though. i think it just clashes with my usual aesthetic

Ooooh I'm hungry now... stumbling upon foody artistry in the AP ain't good for my diet!!!

Looks beautiful though. And that endless flow of syrup, source cut out of frame as if it's flowing straight from the heavens...


Looks like a vintage Rogue with this kind of style too! :) Classy work.


Seems like it could've been a bad ass Halloween costume! :D Built in electrical circuits and everything. And a soft yet very Rahul-like sharply outlined style. Nice.


Bamboo Shoots!

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