Spectacular shapes! :D The facial line work seems to accentuate her age a bit, but otherwise this is great. So much detail... feels like that Marvel style of drawing again.
Spectacular shapes! :D The facial line work seems to accentuate her age a bit, but otherwise this is great. So much detail... feels like that Marvel style of drawing again.
Thank You!
How quick can a sprite like this possibly be to make! :D The flashes, the shakes... maybe the arrangement and timing of the lights could've been synced in a way that allows for optimal loops and coolness, but this is awesome. May the Turkeys finally get that justice they deserve. :D
Fell bad for these turnkeys... Do they have a soul?
Fully clothed hmm... this was different! I like the mood, the light, the cherry blossoms in the wind... just maybe wish the clothing revealed a little more curve. Refreshingly fresh though! Very nice,
eh? sure thing
you can find the variants on that 'HERE' link.
And Thank you as always:D
Vicious, beautiful, and with a massive backstory too! :) Love everything about this. She reminds me a bit of Mary Jane, Spider-Man, or maybe some other Marvel character hmm, not sure... maybe it's the style, maybe certain traits. Either way: this looks great.
Like a statue, like a robot, like a force of nature of some sort...inspiring. Love that shading and sketchy style too.
Some kind of contest going on? Looks great. Oldskool paltformer vibes, even if the trumpets or whatever instruments those be seem to outsize the king a bit... fanfare flares greater than his stature.
Nah, just another pixel art prompt. but i also wanted to do shovelknight art.
Vicious poster work, subtle snowflake shimmer and all. And that description wordplay/description. XD Worth that extra half star! Sounds like a violent but worthwhile occasion, though I have no idea what it might have to do with the image itself...
So super happy this one. XD Happy B-Day StarFan13!
Not sure what happened there but I love it. XD The panels at the top had me thinking she had a crowd of like-minded nurses in the background just readying themselves to get tied up too... if for a brief second or so, that impression simmered. Nice work.
thank you as always :D
yeah some wacky things can happen ^^;
Getting some Cowboy Bebop vibes here for some reason. :) Smooth sketchin' man. These bare sketches... maybe they will one day really bare the fruit of your labor too!!!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04