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Kill La Kill eh! :D The way you draw those swirls: just impeccable.

So aesthetic contrasts between the red and green too. Simple but stylish. Or I should say: polished. Essential. Only that which really matters. Good stuff.

Edit. Oh whoops. Costume design does seem kinda similar...


rtil responds:

same creators but this one is from gurren lagann

Trying to figure out if that tentacle is all her tail or maybe somewhat unrelated... really nice one though.

Capturing the sunrays in the splashes too.


rtil responds:

she is almost 30 ft long so fitting her entire tail in the composition is usually impossible. you gotta get creative

Ain't that the lewdest most lubricating lure available. :) I like the mood here...


Jill looking fresher than usual! Hairstyle seems a bit new, not the one I remember...

Smooth as always. Hazy background cityscape that somehow makes it all the more game-like, the blue glow blends nicely into that backdrop... looking good.


DidiEsmeralda responds:

Thank Cyberdevil you, I'm glad you like it

Nice! All the detail in those posters too... curious how much/if any of this is a realistic depiction? Like the NG poster? Intriguing WIP comic in the background too, computer brand, it's them small things... overall this looks pretty cozy.

Looking forward to the color.


Raziberry responds:

This is all quite accurate. I don't have a NG poster but I didn't want to leave the site out since this is a NG thing. I don't have an Optimus poster, but I have a whole unseen wall of Transformers. I do have a comic I'm inking, I have that 'Mech toy, I do have a sweet wife knitting beside me with hot chocolate, etc.

Those hot rewards do sound tempting! Nice sketches.


Colorful candy-coated fantasy. This is great.


Now here's something I definitely wasn't expecting! XD I have no idea what the løveli takes are so maybe good you didn't include that in the main strip - or maybe the motive would've brought forth a greater understanding - but the rest is spot on. Oh wait my bad. Lakes. Right. Ø ain't a Swedish letter but anyway...

Appreciate the details, like the karta on the map, the very authentic warehouse backdrop at IKEA... #5 looks more like Norway (we're flatter) but probably my favorite one of these too. And #7 is definitely the most relatable. People come from near and far to pick berries, and sometimes just happen to pick the black currents in your backyard too, and the potatoes, and just lounge around there like it's their own living space... well not really but: we could use some restrictions.

Good stuff, and a pleasant surprise to stumble upon this especially right now in these dark and dystopian times. Also wonder if there's some actual hidden message on that rune...


Somewhat simpler one here but not bad! His hair comes across a bit simpler than the rest too, that yellow fade...


Almost too big! But looking good. Also natural hair yeah. Changing preconceptions one pic at a time...


TURBOBALAK responds:

There is no such thing as "too big"

Bamboo Shoots!

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