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First thought: it's like Pikachu but hmm, not really... a man getting hit by a punch that pretty much penetrates the length of his body and encircles him in a aura-like veil of violent energy? The hands that envelop him though hmm... somebody kicking him in the nuts from behind?

I'm probably trying to see this from a very superficial standpoint, maybe it's the embrace (and background vortex) of death, maybe it's something sexual, a mind-blowing embrace or similar surge of stimulus, or maybe it really is strange and inexplicable... it'd seem a bit more straight-forward if it weren't for those hands though.

Either way I love the color/rough style. Awesome but... strange...


Stopsignal responds:

It's got more of a metaphorical, feelingsy answer, but damn i do love those interpretations, so i'd never say what it really means, hahahahah

However, this is also one of those times where i just let my mind go for it and didn't think too much about the drawing itself, so while i do know what it's trying to say, maybe not even i could really say it. Or maybe even know it fully. Weird to think about, in a way

Videl looking better than ever. :) A side of her you seldom see and somewhat spunkier seemingly... feels like her right leg trails off a bit oddly though, maybe a little much light/curve there...


It's nearing that time. O_o


This happened before?

Mmm, free market's an illusion these days. It's a business of the rich. If you have business and/or you're rich: you can get even more rich, and do more business. We need a reform on basically everything...


Would've been awesome to have had some... heard about this too. Hard to know what to invest in with random occurrences like this though, long-term benefit never benefits you as much as these one-time things...


Haha. XD Well if it's late enough you might as well stay up another day!

I like the bubble outline. And text morph. Smooth cityscape too.


So beautiful! Love the design; tribal style and all, and the background matches perfectly... favorite one in a while! The blue sky too. So fresh contrasts.


Another solid one! Looks strict...


Ocean comes across a bit like land here IMO, same lines, sloping down from the shore too, and the tree's maybe a little simple but... character looks great! Nice scale work too.


Surprisingly gender neutral for the eighties hmm, one of the three Highlanders seeeems to be a girl but as for the other two... fascinating how this cover could very much be a lost gem but could also be a very authentic-looking parody/homage, and I can really nae discern which it is. Google give no alternative sources except a retweet on your own post of ditto. Either way though: this is bad-ass. Would've loved to read it if it was real... and ditto if it isn't. Nice.


Raziberry responds:

Aye laddie tis a fine cover indeed! (I made it myself cause the comic never got its third issue.)

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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