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Another beautiful one! Crisp colors, luscious form and as always so great texture.


Simple but effectual! One who laughs or possibly one who shrugs uncontrollable if ya didn't know it. :P Though you do see the smile, now that you mention it, potentially also interpreted as light falling on his face and/or Nike promo. Wonder if the mouth could be animated too...

Smooth work!


Looks like something you might see in Undertale. :) Something about the eyes maybe, or face patterns, not sure... wouldn't know she was a she unless you said so though!

And woah, impressive level of detail you don't really initially notice! Always appreciate good shading/detail on the fur, some edges maybe a little sharp/blocky but props on unique design. Maybe that's how it should be too!


Winkwing responds:

I'm glad you noticed the purposefully rough edges. I use this little detail to make things feel more uncanny and weird and it usually works. Fediwah's design was also meant to make it so that her appearance didn't tell her gender, but instead you'd have to hear her voice to learn it.

Also, might make some shirts or something with these characters on it, would you'd be interested in that?

Bloomington seems somewhat reminiscent of this one pipe-lodged plant in this one familiar game hmm... Timor Tempus starts well though! Intrigued what comes next...


Winkwing responds:

Fun fact: Bloomington's design was slightly different in two different pieces of hand-drawn concept art I did, which I might upload later if I feel like people want it.

In the original design he held a microphone (which was cut from this version due to lack of space in the correct hand) and had 4 large teeth, 2 on both sides instead of the tons of teeth he is shown having now. Bloomington's body also was originally made up of tons of tiny little vines that connected and wrapped around each other instead of one big one with 2 smaller ones to act as limbs.

Also, when drawing the original design for Bloomington, a friend mentioned Little Shop of Horrors to me and how Bloomington looked like the plant from it, which is how I was introducted to Little Shop of Horrors.

So clean and classy! NOBARA looking good!


Size-wise maybe a little over the top on this one. :) Fun pose though; smooth form...


I gotta get into Pokemon again! :D Smooth work.


lmao this is great. XD Can't tell if it's all 2D animation or maybe a 3D model that looks it? Really smooth work dog. headers blend into the background a bit though.


Ain't that the truth. I feel like maybe your early years are ultimately what decide what you do believe, it's all about early on indoctrination... if you grow up to question then how can you?

We really should be focusing on being the best people we can be and the world as good a place to live in for all as it possibly can be, no matter what deities we believe in. All these individual unifications of uncertain origin that divide us...


Well that was nice. :) Always get in a good mood with these.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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