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It always surprises me that people can make good art with that program. This looks good, nice and spritey. Apart from the missing background everything is crisp and smooth. The parrot creeping on the ledge there is a comical addition. :D Keep it going!


HiZtory responds:

thanks man :)

It looks good, nice and crisp graphics, a bit different from the regular pixel landscape too, maybe the patterns but more noticably the forms on clouds and tree top and even the birds. The flower looks particularly great, so simple, so shining. Have you thought about making sprites for a game? Looks good!


Mr-McGifford responds:

Thanks so much for the review!

Umm, I haven't actually thought about doing sprites for a game, I'm actually more of a programmer haha.

Woo, the aspiring swordsman, one of the greatest anime characters ever! He's a bit simple. Working with outlines that aren't so noticeable, with other colors than just black, and shading even for minor details would improve it a lot. Shade doesn't always have to be black either. Practice makes perfect. As for the pirate logo, that looks perfect in vector format. Not the strawhat emblem, but a cool one regardless. Zoros own? Keep it going!


OldNGrip responds:

Thanks for the feedback I also agree that this is very simple and i was trying to replicate the shading style used in the manga so that why i made it so black i kinda rushed this one. Thanks for some very helpful constructive criticism.

Nice landscape. Looks like it was made for a platform! Is everything in this work custom? If it is, then there must be an amazing amount of detail involved in all those textures. It looks very clean and professional!


Nice to see both submissions on the same page and compare the differences! The right one definately looks better than the left. He doesn't just look better defined but also bigger, but at the same time it's like two different styles in the different pictures. One thing I thought was pretty cool with the 09 version were the blue glasses, they really glow. On the right one they do look more realistic, but the whole picture is also dark, I feel it would be nice with some color added!

The black line separating the lips on the right one looks a bit odd when there aren't any real outlines elsewhere, otherwise it looks great, the facial features look realistic and professional, as does the shirt. The afro looks.. unreal, but then again, don't all afros? :) Much better shading on the hair in the new one! Keep it going!


animezoneking responds:

Thank you :) This is the style I have been working with, but I like the idea of more vibrant colors, I will more than likely make a new one soon that balances the styles. Thank you for the critique, I appreciate it a lot! :)

That face reminds me of the old Apple logo, the blue face within a computer screen that appeared in icon form for the Finder. The moon looks surprised and/or anxious, looking down at the world, seeing.. something we don't see? I like the atmosphere in this painting, feels distant, and the stars in the sky all seem far away. The sun is hiding as well. Great shape on the planets too, and lighting, on the moon especially. Keep it going!


Woah, that's a creepy face! The way the left eye bulges (no shading) it looks even creepier. Some of the white spots look a bit misplaced, like they were just skipped in a rush to get this done. IE: all over the hair, at the creases in the T-shirt and throat. Looks a bit incomplete, but as is, it's a creepy face. Keep it going!


Hmm, this thing actually exists? Interesting. I suppose the real thing doesn't have four eyes though, they look... red. Acronymingly evil. This is a neat slithery spectacle, creative and beastly, with a blank canvas to cast a shadow on. Idea for a new Pokemon maybe? :D Keep it going!


Zarnagel responds:

Well, there is a kind of rattlesnake that has a spiky tail end which looks much like a spider, but of course it doesn't have four eyes.

And thanks, I will :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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