A new game has been published! If you like Doom and/or Pacman, you might like this, it's a hybrid. If you have the time feel free like a bird to leave a review. Also, first game I've made with leaderboards, and it's working! I'd have included the scoreboard in the flash, but for some strange reason one of the components kept failing to load so the separate leaderboard will have to do.
Now that that's done I can finally get back to doing what I should be doing, like eh... posting at the BBS! Hahe. Btw, this is probably a good place to link to the Q&A and some other interviews. Good day.
It's cool. You should probably set a time for the power-up though. You can complete every level by picking up a power-up and not hitting any enemies ;D.
Thanks. Eating four ghosts will give you more points than all the dots on a level though, so I hope the benefit will make people not just lurk around and take the safe way out. I was digging in the code trying to figure out how to do that for maybe an hour though, maybe some day I'll find out. :)