It's Cyber Monday! What better day for me to post an update?
I finished Inktober about a month ago now... when it finished (in other words this is old news), but here's a retrospective bit of favorite bites from that batch. <- There's plenty more where that links.
I really liked how these trees turned out too. True trees. Total treedom. Pine time. So green.
And most of the others were OK! Maybe some year I'll be happy with all of them. Practice makes perfectionism. Just another decade of Inktober and who knows...
I don't upload nearly enough stuff lately, this being the first dose of artistry this year, but maybe that... won't change anytime soon because life is hella busy.
I'm happy I still have time for the community though, that I'm halfway to the next level, and hooked on all kinds of small odd and creative series that you can only find on this one amazing site. Each day´s a fresh dose of inspiration, like today, here´s the dose:
Thanks for being around, NG! Though that thanks giving thing is a few days past: every day is a good time for thank giveaways on these parts! Thanks for reading, stranger! And thanks in advance for signing this thing so Internet keeps spinning as it's supposed to and there'll be no peace out!
Peace in...ternet. We're all just one piece of this grand linear puzzle. Terra. Dig it? All.
nice drawings btw