If they are organised enough they can perfectly allocate the devices for an entire plot and keep track of all necessary references when they write it out, not all on their mind, but that is pretty much the minimum that people need to have when making a thesis, and really good authors pretty much are making exactly that when they write their books, so you just need to create a journal when you follow the key elements, quotes, references and other aspects of the story, that way if your mind fails you, there is always the written document as backup (also that PFR code(s) idea is excellent!).
Yeah so our planet is the complete product of stars dying, and since our Sun is pretty much alive... well you know the rest XD.
@S3C Avocados are really cheap over here, it almost makes me feel bad to admit this but you can easily buy 10 of them with a dollar on any regular grocery store (at supermarkets each one would cost 50 cents to a dollar, still cheap), and they can last for about 2 or 3 weeks without going brown, is best to eat them fresh, and really i don't know why a normal person/family would buy 10 at once, maybe to make a sauce or something, a bunch of salads... our avocados are really really big so 10 is already quite excessive: http://www.foodrepublic.com/2012/10/18/know-your-avocado-varieties-and-when-theyre-season
If i have to make a guess, the principal one is a bigger variation of the Hall avocado, it is really buttery the seed is not really that big and the skin is rather soft and has an average green tone not too dark not too light, and like with most plantations over here it can be acquired all-year-round, but when it comes to avocados, Cuba is the place, they have some monster avocados the things are insanely big, they are absurd yet delicious.
Cilantro is also really normal, is almost like grass, hell i think you can even see some of those growing next to roads near farms, just there in the wild, for real i just described 2 of the most boring and common plants next to rice and beans XD, what is next tomatoes and lettuce?
True, cilantro is a more Asian and Hispanic centric herb. Who knows maybe you could start a trend and be the source of an exotic, rare herb in Sweden...Aloe huh...guess that just leaves ozone for the weird obscure toothpastes for the Cyberdevil to try :P
Nutritious and certainly delicious! Probably one of my favorite vegetables (technically a fruit), but I would rather purchase cheaper produce and wait until they go on sale. The problem with avocados is they have a small window when they are ripe, before they quickly get brown (although still edible) afterwards. If only more people would purchase them when they are hard and green and wait for them to ripen at home...between enough customers fondling the ripe ones are going to leave some of them bruised (and thus get disposed) at some point. That's a problem with agribuisness, mainly as it pertains to grocery and restaurants- practices that propagate waste and over-shipment to first world countries, excess produce is also destroyed to artificially increase the supply and demand...I suppose that's a topic for another day...
Haha, that's an idea, though I wonder if it's worth all the work promoting it to make it popular! Cooking's so ingrained in culture already, it's hard to change just like that. Mmmm ozone! I wish I could my hands on such paste! Also gotta try rinsing with oil instead of paste. I hear that's the new thing, way more effective + nutritious + whitening.
Yeah, they're a difficult fruit (though commonly known a vegetable). Seems they sometimes get all wiry too, even when they are ripe and otherwise delicious. Man they waste so much in the food industry! I wish the shops wouldn't take in such a surplus they don't need, but the cold hard truth is that if a shop doesn't have a surplus, people will move to a shop that does. Somehow the excess of food fuels people to buy more than they would otherwise; more than they actually need, as well. We could probably easily cut down the commercial consumption of edible items by half, and not go any hungrier anyway. All that surplus could go to be people who need it, all that excess space could be preserved for the future, not expandably exploited all the time.