I don't know what S3C is saying but, why can't you access the internet in your free time while you live as a farmer?
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04
I don't know what S3C is saying but, why can't you access the internet in your free time while you live as a farmer?
Well I do, sometimes... via a public library computer a mere 23km away! :P It's limited to one hour sessions though, and the ride there to when shopping and other purposeful activity is needed... usually. It's a good bike ride every once in a while, but no daily NGing at least. More like every or every other week.
Haha 23km, no way to steal some WIFI before that?
When our nearby neighbor's home on the weekend... maybe! Next one's a few km away. :P
Hadn't actually considered wifi though, course we could get wireless Internet if we really wanted to but the speed is pretty terrible up there.
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeee Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!!!!! :D
Still not out for PC. :/
That Sucks. I Could show you a shitload of easter-eggs and things you could get. If It was. :\ I found a sea monster skelaton the other day and a alien frozen in the ice under a bridge. There is also a UFO in the water off the coast of poleto bay that has plants growing all over it.
Which console are you playing it on? Haha, that UFO sounds cool, I'll probably be exploring the scenery like a maniac once I get my hands on the game though! It better come out before I loose this hype...
I'm playing it on xbox360 but it shouldn't matter. You should be able to find them on any platform. but if youre going to explore you need to know that there are sharks that WILL kill you in the water and if your looking for easter eggs then your going to need a mini sub. (no not the sandwich either lol) But you can get oone after completing the mision "Merry weather heist" by buying the sonar collections dock. :) and if you need help with da secrets. then check IGN they can tell you about all the secrets. and one last thing, The alien thats frozen in the ice can only be found on the first mission. when you find the bridge go off the road and drive under the bridge (You'll know it when you see it) and then get out and walk around You can usaully find it pretty easily because its directly under the bridge. :) hope I helped.
Yeah I'm sure the game'll be the same on all consoles (with some minor differences in graphical quality and settings, probably), just curious! Oooh, subs, that sounds promising. Can you kill the sharks though? Maybe they've added some harpoon rifles for this purpose? Man I've gotta remember all of this till I get to play the game haha, it might be a while! Last I heard the PC version *might* be coming out this summer, but they keep pushing that deadline...
I'll let you know when I play. ;)
Alright coo. But anyways. yeah the subs are awesome. Hard to control But awesome. also yes you can kill the sharks. but so far I Havn't seen any harpoon guns. But I Found a empty gun rack while at ammu-nation that said it was for downloadable content or something like that so you might be able to get one after you download the add-on pack for it. but everything in the game makes GTA 4 look like shit. Lol hell the cars are even upgradeable and guns too. but anyways. you really need to play it. it's probably the best purchase I made this year.
Ahh, nice, they could all all kinds of nifty weaponry then. Yeah, all the previews I've seen looked awesome; that sounds awesome!
Better. Still Watch the video IGN made about.
Mmm, thanks for the link!
Hard to beliece that you get a bad wireless connection living on Sweden.
A real revelation huh. :) We had a landline up there earlier, but they chopped it down in attempts to cheapen maintenance in all smaller villages. In some villages where they did this, there was no cellphone coverage at all... and this is government planning. One of many reasons I've totally lost faith in the government...
I gots it!
And the people took it just like that? what a about the phone companies? did they all got together to cut off the landlines?
Nah, people complained of course, and eventually they put up some base stations to increase cellular coverage, but some people are still without. Telia is a partly (formerly fully) government-owned company that maintains the landline netwok here, as far as I know all phone companies use the same network for regular landlines, for wireless they're investing in their own. Apparently everyone here sees wireless as the future, all but a small portion of the populace who are easy to run over. I like landlines though, they're reliable and convenient; probably even cost-efficient in the long run. They've invested so much in expanding and upgrading wireless it's just crazy, what they save on chopping down old phone lines isn't even comparable.
Well the companies must pay taxes for the use of the government-owned network, so to gain independence from that must be desirable, but they also loss access to costumers...
However if the overall vision is that wireless is the future, then i can see it happening.
This was all Telia though - one big step in the process of forming a better budget by a set of base stations for the future! I see it happening, and continually not working, being unstable, never really become cost-efficient either. When they got rid of the landlines they didn't think of all people who rely on phone lines for more than simple communication, like old people who have alarm services linked to the lines. In event of a power outages (which are at times both common and long-lasting in remote areas - specifically remote areas) they get shut off from their support. Some of these people can't handle a cellphone. They can press a button, but that's it.
And speaking of other downsides with this system: with modern cellphones you'll need to recharge a phone within a day, no power no way. Landlines don't rely on power, they aren't as prone to interference, they can be used for ADSL and VDSL to get broadband on upto 50mbit in fortunate circumstances wheras mobile broadband tops at just a few mbits... if there is good coverage. And it's hella expensive too. Not to mention it's not particularly healthy either. Man I see the country turning to shit in a non-so-distant future, the lack of landlines is just a little part of it...
Your Welcome. I Thought you'd like it. But I probably spoiled alot of the game for you =.=
I did; no worries, seems like there are plenty of Easter Eggs still out there undiscovered! :) A lot of subtle references to previous games along with the UFOs and aliens!
Alright I Guess. But yeah That alien stuff will be fun find The only thing that could make the aliens and UFO'S better. if you could find one and be able to get in it and fly it!
Haha, definitely! When the PC version comes out I'm sure there'll be some mods for that in no time. :)
Man what a bad business move, they can only get away with that because they are with the state.
Haha Sweden lead country on wireless communications, not a single landline on the whole country, welcome to Sweden the land of the future, today!
It's the problems of the future today! ;) Doesn't seem like they're about to take away landlines in the cities though, but a lot of people are getting rid of their landline subscriptions voluntarily so who knows...
Probably. I'm sure theirs some out for xbox by now but I Don't have high speed internet :L All I've got is that dial up bullshit xD But I Guess It's better then nothing.
Ah yeah, I guess modern consoles are becoming all the more like computers, no need for gameshark anymore. 56k dial-up?! :O
I personally don't like wireless at all, is so unreliable, and inferior, it may have its good side for the average user, that at best uses it to navigate facebook while it also uses the bathroom, but hell what kind of life is that!? XD.
Haha yeah, that's the kind of Dystopian future that Look Up video detailed! :D I'd prefer being wired anyday, even if wireless wasn't as unstable as it is. Being able to make calls from anywhere is pretty useful, but they could keep it at that, no need to go overboard and start messing up a working system.
Well if it was better then sure, but it is not XD.
Indeed, that's all the argument you need! :)
are you wired to the matrix
no but my matrix is wired
It is highly unlikely that someday my wildest dreams will come true...considering I sleep in the night
How about daydreaming?
A Bittersweet Emotion Began To Churn Inside My Stomach As I Woke Up This Morning As I Realized That One Of Our Most Beloved NewGrounders, Röbert "Cyberdevil" Axel, Is Nearing His Quartile-Year Leave To Tend His Organic Garden In The Beautiful Secluded Great North Of Sweden. While It Pains Me To See A Community Member Leave Shortly, Along With Your Prolific Comments, Reviews, Forum & Blog Posts & A General Unparalleled Support For This Website, I Wish You A Most Wonderful Summer & Hope The Fruits Of Your Labor In Your Vegetation Plantation Will Bear You Many Fruits, Lol. It Seems That It Was Only Yesterday That We Were Boding You A Safe Farewell & A Warm Welcome Back From Your Annual Sabbatical. It Is Truly Astounding That The Older & More Patient An Individual Gets The Faster One Interprets Time, To The Point Were Weeks Becomes Days, Months Become Weeks, Years Become Months, Millennia Become Years, & Eons Becomes Millenia. I Was Actually Able To Exploit This Concept In The Development Of My Very Own Time Machine That I Made A Fortune From On Ebay. I Forgot To Specify Two Minor Caveats: 1.) It Only Moves In One Direction- Forward 2.) It Only Functions At A Single Speed- 1 Second Per Second. I Still Got A Record Amount Of Bids. (What Idiots)
Is That Time Machine On Ebay Story For Real?! If Not, It Brings Ideas Of A Very Real Way Of Increasing Potential Bids While Selling Such Time-Measuring Devices Of Which (I Am Reluctant To Say You Are Not The First To Invent!) Have Stored Plenty Throughout The Years Yet Still Barely Ever Use. Indeed, There Is Usually A Wrist Involved With These Items. So, Use At Your Own Wrist, And Discretion.
Thank You Widely For The Finely Formulated Summer Greetings! I Shall Bear Them With Me When The Rains Set In And The World Seems Temporarily Bleak And Despairful, Yet The Fruits Of A Long Summers Labor Will Many Times OutWeigh The Trials And Tribulations Leading There. It Is Yet A Month Before I Leave, But Time Does Past Quickly, I Decide, As I Once Again Realize I Am Soon Two Months Late With My Second Hexalist Update.