'Till you collapse? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_YDIyOWh-U
You are dependent or a colony of who exactly?
Haha i can see that working, i really do, but seems like a more rare thing that even the notion of a working and real communist system in our current times.
Then sugar low jam, and we can mix some other nuts, multiculturalism gives us options not just one kind :D
Is true we need to bring the word "Fascist" back into the lingo of the everyday! XD.
Well that is not really what i would call racist, because racism is a whole different kind of discrimination so the word doesn't even applies, I would call it censorship and prejudice to avoid and deny the opinion in a problem, but is not a discrimination based on race.
As for the bad sides of multiculturalism i can see them as fear of not wanting something that we are accustomed to, then go and change, possibly into something we dislike, but is that something we dislike something bad or good? and it is bad or good for who and which party? those things are also evaluated into multiculturalism when it is done right it is not just trowing 2 views into chaos and see what comes out of it, however you may say that i may be idolizing multiculturalism and thus i have become unable to see the downsides in this novelty that is happening in our times, in that case you are totally right there, thus is kinda your duty to point out those things i am missing... (since i cant see them).
The thing is that there is a real problem with immigration and crime, however that is not really a problem of culture or race, thus to link it with culture and race can be seem as racist, thus the word appears, is a problem of approach really (unless the person really thing that crime is a property of that culture in that case it is indeed racism).
Because market and culture go hand in hand, they do it in such a close way, that in the beginning economics, sociology and politic sciences were one and the same discipline.
Not even when the music stops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rwb_0QVCWw
Wonder which countries you may be talking about.
Indeed by entities i mean corporations, because if an individual can own land, then a corporate can too do the same, but we know how that usually ends.
I don't know i don't really see communism working alongside with patriotism because it requires the notion of a nation, and nations implies a separation which goes against the eventual death of class division, then creating segregation, between foreign and local, translating one problem to another instead of fixing it. Maybe non discriminatory patriotism could work, but how would that even look like? pride is after all a sentiment that excludes that which doesn't makes part of that sentiment.
It would be more like mixing peanut and butter, to get peanut-butter, and then we could even add some jelly!
But there is also micro-evolution!
However not wanting to mix cultures sounds quite racist, like those new groups that go around saying that multiculturalism equals to white genocide... just the sole statement is all levels of wrong, starting for the exaggeration of calling it genocide, and even more since in multiculturalism you can perfectly conserve your cultural heredity, it is up to you to see what parts to keep or not, instead of just following it for a means of tradition.
XD, oh man that would be interesting to see, but i am no economist and i am not really that advanced into sociology, so i cant say if that would work or not (but it sounds unlikely), just from the very way in which markets work, and how these start mixing with culture.
They probably felt in love and moved to Turkey, that could happen... positive multiculturalism right there :P
Well now you know, there is your problem, a religion XD. (joking, but really...)
But regardless of religion, or politics regarding people as good Christians instead of people, a thing that can be seen in most speeches by politicians, i think that different religions are not really a problem for multiculturalism, because it is known from point A that there are differences, and the whole point is to coexist with those differences, even taking the best of them and integrating them into one another, the problem may come when stubbornest enters into play, when some believe themselves to be more right than others.
You say what you say http://youtu.be/_F_SXq0zSDY
Well actually I just know the one, the Sweden, but I assume other countries have similar situations.
Yepp, it ends... badly.
I think I was just comparing communism to patriotism, not suggesting they be combined... but on that topic: I do believe people would need to be patriotic for communism to work. Believing in their country could be synonymous to believing in equality, if they don't believe in that, how could the communism even get started? Non-discriminatory patriotism would be patriotism though. Discrimination and patriotism may often go hand in hand, but they're different concepts. You don't need to look down on one thing to love something else... though no doubt a lot of people do, there's the problem. :/
But maybe some people are allergic to peanuts! And others have diabetes!
That's another big problem, as soon as someone has a potentially negative view on immigration, multiculturalism etc they call them a racist. It's a word people throw around so much that the original definition's almost been lost along the way, and then people don't dare speak up because they'll be labeled a supremacist or nationalist (which is really a different thing) or something else disparaging, and as a consequence they're often looked down upon. That's racism right there, discrimination excused as... well I don't know what to call it, it's all opinion but so many people take it a few miles further than that. Is it so hard to see that there are both positive and negative sides to multiculturalism? Maybe it is the inevitable way of the future world but people should be free to voice their opinions even on such matters, as they will have a huge impact on their lives and those of generations to come.
Markets... the consumption craze... that's another huge defect of today. :) But the global net of suppliers seems to work well, theres import and export all over the globe. Countries who don't have natural resources (like Japan) can find a niche within technology, etc. Not sure how that ties to multiculturalism... makes it easy to import foods that cannot be grown in the home zone of course, but that doesn't mean you can't still buy local produce.
Haha, yeah maybe, if they love the country it's all good. :)
Instead of people? Man all people are tied do some fundemental guidelines, the constitution's Christianity-based too, I doubt there's a government in the world that doesn't have religion tied to their rulebook, though they've evolved separately in latter years. Oh, in their speeches... I don't think I've ever heard a religious reference in a political speech here.. the 'God Bless America' thing reminds me that there are other countries with probably much stronger ties to religion than us, though we tie in different ways. The problem might be that we don't consider ourselves religious, yet some parts of religion is embedded in our culture, and when religious groups move in with a will to change that culture we feel threatened, though we don't directly know why, or understand the significance of culture as something that ties people together. Well you know what I think. I'm fascinated by different beliefs and traditions and everything, but I don't want ours to change. Just like I don't want a global currency, or a flag that unites an entire continent (or an entity like the EU that attempts to govern a group of countries, and spend ridiculous sums of money pushing through crazy laws like how cucumbers that are bent a certain way aren't to be sold, or strawberries need to be a certain size, or we need to ban surströmming because it smells bad). I'm sure multiculturalism works to a certain extent, or has the potential to work, but I see a much larger potential for things go wrong, for wars to break out, for society to get divided into fractions, for racism and discrimination to brew particularly because our differences aren't cared for, people lose confidence, sense of purpose, sense of patriotism, stop caring for country; stop caring for their fellow humans...