Nah, I haven't got any flash games saved, but it's a good idea! I was actually thinking of getting a wireless connection with that new computer, so I could instantly research certain subjects for my creative projects. I just came to the conclusion that it would be a very bad idea though. This would only serve to distract me, and I'll get tempted to download lots of things that don't belong in a work environment. I can do research from books, and if I need anything else, I could simply port it over with a usb device.
Flash Point had a lot of male on male dry humping. I'm not too sure what to think of that movie. That battle was pretty intense. The last one looks like a compilation of a really fun movie. Did you not know the title?
There's a sequal and another is following? Damn, I didn't even know that!
Personally, I prefer to keep my documents separate from anything expendable (seewhatididthere?), but the rest sounds pretty similar. I have an external drive myself but I don't even use it that much. There's a little bit of everything on there, but it mostly serves as a storage for game saves, software executables, quick backups, audio I don't want to lose, old dos games and roms. I'd love to build myself a second computer so I can work and play at different times. I tend to get distracted real easily.
Sounds like you have a lot of potato knowledge. Have you gone full potato by chance? I wouldn't even know the name of the potatoes I'm going to eat this evening. Ong Bak looks incredible! I definitely need to watch it sometime. Dragons Forever looks like a good watch too. I remember seeing an animated gif from that scene.
Hehe yeah pretty cool how small Newgrounds seems to be sometimes. Your grammar wasn't that bad, was it? Just a spelling mistake, happens to the best of us :P
Yeah, the third should be coming this year, and a fourth is planned already. :)
Haha, I see! :D Yeah I should probably do so as well, should also start doing automatic backups since I do have external drives to use, occasional ones are (lack of) habit. Do you keep flash game saves stored as well?
I usually get distracted by the net, usually by NG, but if my 'office' computer was powerful enough to run the games I like to play I'd probably get distracted by that too. :) Another good thing with having a weaker computer for everyday tasks is it's cheaper, saves power.
And a one and a two and a ching chong potato? lol no, just learned a new meme though. I don't count to potato either btw, before you ask. :P Definitely worth watching, and you haven't even seen the fights yet! It's Tony Jaa's first and best so far. For a while it seemed like he might become the new Jackie Chane/Bruce Lee/etc but since then he's just been making sequels... and stayed at a Buddhist temple for a few years. Hoping for more movies with him. No comments on the other two?
Indeed. Heh, terribly unsupervised grammar then? :P I think I'm more on the lookout for typos now.