Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




Joined on 1/17/04

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There's a sequal and another is following? Damn, I didn't even know that!

Personally, I prefer to keep my documents separate from anything expendable (seewhatididthere?), but the rest sounds pretty similar. I have an external drive myself but I don't even use it that much. There's a little bit of everything on there, but it mostly serves as a storage for game saves, software executables, quick backups, audio I don't want to lose, old dos games and roms. I'd love to build myself a second computer so I can work and play at different times. I tend to get distracted real easily.

Sounds like you have a lot of potato knowledge. Have you gone full potato by chance? I wouldn't even know the name of the potatoes I'm going to eat this evening. Ong Bak looks incredible! I definitely need to watch it sometime. Dragons Forever looks like a good watch too. I remember seeing an animated gif from that scene.

Hehe yeah pretty cool how small Newgrounds seems to be sometimes. Your grammar wasn't that bad, was it? Just a spelling mistake, happens to the best of us :P

Yeah, the third should be coming this year, and a fourth is planned already. :)

Haha, I see! :D Yeah I should probably do so as well, should also start doing automatic backups since I do have external drives to use, occasional ones are (lack of) habit. Do you keep flash game saves stored as well?

I usually get distracted by the net, usually by NG, but if my 'office' computer was powerful enough to run the games I like to play I'd probably get distracted by that too. :) Another good thing with having a weaker computer for everyday tasks is it's cheaper, saves power.

And a one and a two and a ching chong potato? lol no, just learned a new meme though. I don't count to potato either btw, before you ask. :P Definitely worth watching, and you haven't even seen the fights yet! It's Tony Jaa's first and best so far. For a while it seemed like he might become the new Jackie Chane/Bruce Lee/etc but since then he's just been making sequels... and stayed at a Buddhist temple for a few years. Hoping for more movies with him. No comments on the other two?

Indeed. Heh, terribly unsupervised grammar then? :P I think I'm more on the lookout for typos now.

Nah, I haven't got any flash games saved, but it's a good idea! I was actually thinking of getting a wireless connection with that new computer, so I could instantly research certain subjects for my creative projects. I just came to the conclusion that it would be a very bad idea though. This would only serve to distract me, and I'll get tempted to download lots of things that don't belong in a work environment. I can do research from books, and if I need anything else, I could simply port it over with a usb device.

Flash Point had a lot of male on male dry humping. I'm not too sure what to think of that movie. That battle was pretty intense. The last one looks like a compilation of a really fun movie. Did you not know the title?

Indeed, I started saving flash saves way too late, need to replay plenty of old games from the start if I want to get some of the final medals. Which reminds me, I haven't made a backup of the %APPDATA% folder in quite some time...

Haha, it's like cellphones, always being able to go online... it's a pretty distracting finesse.

lmao yeah it is a bit much... close combat! I assumed that's how it usually is with wrestling though? :P Maybe you'd like some of Donnie Yen's more traditional movies, like Ip Man, heard of that? As for Flash Point, there are actually two movies with the same name, one from 2005 and one from 2007, both with Donnie Yen as main character. They're both intense, the other one even more so: http://youtu.be/FO0fzgy0ys8?t=1m53s

Sure, the final clip was a compilation of scenes from Wheels on Meals, another oldskool Jackie Chan movie, it's similar to Dragons Forever in how both of his old buddies Sammu Hung and Yuen Biao are in it too, Sammo is the fat guy, Yuen the really athletic one. Definitely a lot of fun, most of Jackie's old movies are like that, light-hearted action/comedy mixed with some pretty lethal stunts. Speaking of stunts btw: http://youtu.be/IBc7Di-jBVY

Oh, the ??? was for eh... element of surprise?

Yeah this one was more actualized, it actually tells you about the current debate about other animals crying, and that is great.

It did? Did it say that they don't cry? I must've missed that part.

There's only a few games I can think of that I would save. Most of the time that feature is not even available. I can't wait till Newgrounds becomes mobile friendly. More distractions to deal with :D

Wrestling was never really my thing, but the action of those movies -as you said- is pretty intense. I think I'm starting to like this Donnie Yen guy. Last night I watched the Running Man by the way haha. Might check some of these movies tonight then. I'm in the mood for something light-hearted like Jackie Chan. That compilation of stunts was pretty damn cool. Especially number 6 I think is sickening.

1. Jackie Chan Movie
2. Element of surprise
3. ???
4. Profit

The save feature is available on more games than you'd think! It's become such a common inclusion that most don't even mention it. Virtually all newer flash games with upgrade systems have save features, or at least virtually all of those with medals...

I'd probably have been a big fan if wrestling ever aired on TV over here, bought a few King of Cage (or something like that) DVDs a few years back, watched some clips on YT... The Wrestler was a pretty good movie too, inspiring in the tragic kind of way - but back to topic: he's definitely worth keeping track of! Should I be posting in more fight links here or do you lack the time to watch an abundance of such stuff? :P Haha, awesome, thoughts? I wouldn't say it's much of a cinematical masterpiece, but plenty of action.

Light-hearted Jackie Chan action/comedies worth checking out: Wheels on meals, Dragons Forever, Armor of God 1 & 2, Winners & Sinners 1-6, Rush Hour 1-3 and oh... can't forget about City Hunter! Found a trailer I hadn't seen before: http://youtu.be/3zNSJA7_m80

Hmm, number 6... ah, the Who Am I drop! Yeah that's pretty intense. The fight before that as well, for a while they're lashing it out on the very edge of the building.


Sure, post more fights. It's pretty cool to watch these videos. The wrestling isn't much to my liking, but the Asian stuff is really cool. A friend of mine loved the City Hunter manga. Not sure if it's related to the movie though. I've seen neither. It looks interesting!

Thoughts? Well, I'm glad I'm not the running man! Seriously though, I really enjoyed that movie. I'll go and check Wheels on Meals tonight. That scene from Who Am I is scary as hell. I should really go watch that movie sometime. Also, Ong-Bak. I should watch that too :)

I should probably check the entire list, but y'know... It's pretty large :P

Alright then! :) Here's a few more. Didn't get an answer if you'd seen IP Man, but if you haven't then that's a must-watch. Donnie Yen plays Bruce Lee's grandmaster, detailing his time during the war. Plenty of amazing fight scenes but I'm thinking I shouldn't spoil the best ones. :P


And here's an older fight from Tiger Cage 2, Donnie Yen VS Michael Woods, the latter a martial artist I'd have liked to see more of, but he only starred in a select few movies during the 80s and then disappeared from the face of the planet. He always ends up getting killed in bizarre ways, probably because he seems unbeatable:


And here's introducing Jacky Wu, another great martial artist who (like Donnie Yen) practices Wushu, amongst many other arts. You might recognize him from the previous knife fight with Donnie Yen. Scene from the movie Fatal Contact:


Aaand now for some more light-hearted stuff, here's some Jackie Chan Fights...

Who Am I: http://youtu.be/AJ5oaBWYzPk
Legend of Drunken Master: http://youtu.be/WEt4B1poOfM
Gorgeous: http://youtu.be/EECJepgBEkk

The City Hunter movie is supposedly based on the manga/anime, though I haven't read/seen either. It is interesting! :D I just learned through the trailer btw that one of the actresses is Miss Japan of the year. In Wheels of Meals one of the actresses is Miss Spain. :) She also appears in the Armor of God movie.

Haha, true that. Sounds like you're on a roll! I've been watching through some old HK action movies lately, think I've seen all the major ones but there are still plenty of hidden gems, like the In The Line of Duty series with Michelle Yeoh/ Cynthia Kahn: http://youtu.be/xJ5npU96RgM

Just a compilation btw, no specific fight ^ worth watching. Actually none of them are really that good, but if you like HK action then... this is what it's all about. If you don't, a lot of these movies probably seem like B-movies. Supercop 3 and New Police Story are definitely worth watching as well btw, from the Police Story series (Jackie Chan again).

IMDB list? Jackie's? Well you can't find some of the older ones, he actually started out a child actor before he became stunt double for Bruce Lee... but there's probably at least 50-60 findable ones to go through. :)

IP man looks interesting. Pretty grim too. I love the Tiger Cage 2 scene you sent me. Having him fight without the use of his hands is pretty impressive. The scene from Fatal Contact was pretty intense, especially when the guy with the nails comes out. It reminded me of a martial arts movie I had seen years ago but don't remember the name of. I also forgot the story, but I remember how the protagonist grew up in a village, and all the men had to climb some tree because something was in it. I don't quite remember what happens next, but I the protagonist fought off the other men obtained the object. Then goes to some city, and ends up in a bar fight. After that he starts fighting for money. Does that sound familiar to you?

The drunken master scene looks kick ass. Gorgeous seems interesting. The setting confuses me a little though. I decided not to watch the scene from Who Am I. I think I'll just go and watch it tonight. In The Line Of Duty 4 seems awesome too. I'll have to check that one out as well. Last night I saw Wheels On Meals. The story wasn't that great, but I really enjoyed it either way.

Yeah, it has its intense moments. :) Not always: http://youtu.be/xg9Y6TkGiSA

That movie you're thinking of sounds a lot like Ong-Bak! This is how it starts (skip to around 2 minutes, bad video quality but just to see if that's the one): http://dai.ly/xjy8qm

Same movie that chase scene I linked to earlier was from, and there's a bar fight before and after that... though it's really more like a fight club.

Yeah, Legend of Drunken Master AKA Drunken Master 2 is great! First one's good but the second is light years ahead. As for Gorgeous, it's mostly a love story, with just two major fights where Jackie faces off against the only foreign guy in his stunt team, he goes by the name of Bradley James Allen and has since then pursued his own career. The guy Jackie fought against in Drunken Master 2 was his bodyguard at the time, Ken Lo. Here's a couple of others:

Fearless (Jet Li): http://youtu.be/iVuou-H9M4w
The Protector (Tony Jaa): http://youtu.be/tAOFO2MKaPU
The Protector (one more!): http://youtu.be/7itOtepsW9U

Well let me know what you thought! Well In The Line of Duty is a stereotypical HK action movie, so you have been warned! :D I guess the story's a bit of a slice-of-life soap opera kind in Wheels on Meals, it's like that in the Winners and Sinners movies too, and partially so in Dragons Forever. You'll get a lot of that if you venture into the HK world, but glad you appreciated it regardless! Benny the Jet (final fight with Jackie) is the same as in Dragons Forever in case... wait maybe I mentioned that already. The candle kick is all real btw, no trick behind it.

Holy shit it IS Ong-Bak! How did I forget that chasing scene? It's really spectacular! That fighting scene from IT-Man looks cool. I watched Who Am I a couple of days ago. The acting was pretty damn bad, but it was really enjoyable. I like all the trivia haha.

The fighting scene from Fearless is really great! I love the setting and would really like to watch that movie. Interesting how you should link me to The Protector by the way. Me and a friend were talking about it the other day. I only knew the scene of him running up those stairs. I really want to watch that one sometime! It looks awesome.

First time I watched that chase scene I just couldn't stop laughing. :) Made me stay away from American comedy completely for a while, I've had some intense sessions of laughing hysteria with some foreign movies after that, before I got used to their style of humor. iP man, man! Ideas of a computer-technician fighting his way out of.... some crazy scenario pops into mind...

Even Jackie's acting? He doesn't ever really get serious admittedly (if you think he can't, some of his more recent movies disprove that theory) but when it comes to comedy I'd say it's a natural act. :) Glad you do! I'll probably soon start running out of it, but if you have any questions on the HK martial arts universe to which obvious answers aren't easy to find, don't hesitate to ask. :P

Fearless was a bit of a more mainstream movie than all the others mentioned, Jet Li really made a career (well I guess Jackie did too - eventually) overseas. Maybe you've seen movies like Danny The Dog, Cradle 2 The Grave, The One and Romeo Must Die? And did I mention he appeared in the Expendables too? A few Jet Li fights/movies worth watching:

Fist of Legend (a new take on the Bruce lee classic): http://youtu.be/kn13ts-rWiw
Shaoilin Temple (traditional style): http://youtu.be/fTIm8b9Rft8
Black Mask (grittier HK action): http://youtu.be/rP8rEbkWZbE

Yeah, The Protector's great! The sequel came out at the end of the last year too, another one worth watching though IMO the special effects they've started adding really decrease quality. That one also features the 'female Tony Jaa' JeeJa Yanin, here's a scene of her solo movie Chocolate (also known as Zen): http://youtu.be/Gcz3EM30U6U

Oops, my bad :P

Danny The Dog? You must mean Unleashed, right? Seen it yeah :) Didn't see the others though. Wow, I don't even remember Jet Li being in the Expendables. I should really check my head for holes. Jackie Chan is an alright actor, yeah. I can't remember any bad actors in particular, but most of their intonations seemed unfitting. It could be worse. The script was pretty off too. Like that part where he randomly runs up a hill in the middle of conversation, stands on a platform and shouts "Who am I?!" That was really cheesy. Or the abrupt ending, where that girl asks him "Where are you going?", and he answers "Africa". Then they both walk off like nothing ever happened and the movie ends. The story is quite alright though.

Those Jet Li action sequences are very impressive. Shaolin temple looks like a good watch. Not a lot happened in that scene with JeeJa Yanin, but she seems pretty cool. Got any more? Also, I've been meaning to ask you about another movie. I once saw this one on MTV when they still had the AsiaMania going on. It was about this cop or private investigator, wearing a trenchcoat and being an overall badass. I think the movie was about him taking out an entire criminal organization on his own to save a girl, but I'm not sure. After saving the day, he continues to fight crime alone. The movie ended with him in a room and a couple of thugs. After some small talk, a guy runs up to him with a chainsaw and that's how it ends. I'd love to see that movie again sometime.

lol, would make for an interesting paradog though!

That's the/an alternative title yeah. :) The One is a favorite, features Statham too - who I'm a big fan of even though he aint Asian or anything! Might've been Expendables 2, I'm not sure who appeared in which one... but JCVD's in the second! He plays a killer villain. Haha, I get those memory leaks too.

Yeah I get what you're saying, with all the movies he's done in English the dialog is somehow a bit plain, for him personally it's not his main lingual commodity so that shouldn't be so strange.. but for the other actors... maybe he's the one writing the scripts btw. Or who knows... that's the reason I haven't recommended Mr. Nice Guy btw, dialog (and maybe acting) is terrible in that one! But the fights are pretty cool. Hmm, can't remember the Africa ending. Was that were it all started? yeah that Who Am I!!!!!!!! part was a bit cheesy.

More? Sure thing!! If you mean with JeeJa yanin, there's:

Chocolate again: http://youtu.be/v1hy6efhp4I
Chocolate once more: http://youtu.be/FrVvRkDxBaM
Raging Phoenix: http://youtu.be/2xaTcRP7rbU

( Chocolate is really the only really good movie she's in, all others I've seen were so-so )

And as for others, here's the initial fight from The Protector: http://youtu.be/25V_ZgIM5nQ

Aaand another great thai movie, Born to Fight: http://youtu.be/KFLeS5pa1TA

Note the above is a compilation of most if not all the main fights, so might have some spoilers!

Hmm, can't say that one rings a bell. I don't know any movie that ends with a chainsaw. :/

Ahh, too bad.

The One was a pretty cool movie. And yeah, Jackie's chopper crashed down in Africa. All of his buddies died in the crash, but he fell out before it even happened. Some tribe found and took care of him. Before he took off to find out about his past, some random kid told him he'd miss him. He then made a promise that he would return. Eventually he never got his memory back, so that's what he did. Nothing better to do I guess.

LOL, why were there wine glasses taped to that guy's back? JeeJa Yanin's moves don't seem that impressive compared to the rest of the movies. It feels slow paced because she never uses her fists. Is she afraid to break a nail? :P That warehouse scene was pretty damn awesome though, that beach fight too. Born to fight looks awesome. I have to watch that movie! It's like a modern age 300 movie haha. Even the crippled guy they don't even stand a chance against. I'd like to see Walter Jr. do that!

Oh yeah, it all comes back to me now! Everything but that random promise hmm... might be time to re-watch this classic! :D Only thing I've probably seen a bit too many times is that rooftop fight... I watched his My Stunts documentary btw, and they had a large segment on this fight. During that kick scene Allen Bradley Junior actually acts a stunt double, since the Hollander (oh hey! maybe you know him?) who I don't recall the name of - had some trouble keeping up with the pace. There's a lot of work that goes into the flow of the fight, to make it seem genuine; like there is no time to stop or rest or evade attacks. Jackie Chan & co also hit each other for real, in difference from a lot of others, but they use tricks like flour and special shoes made of rubber to dampen the blows a bit/make it seem more intense. Oh, and during the filming of this movie BMW sponsored two cars, and they really used both of those as much as possible, filming from all angles; really capturing the mayhem. Not as big a budget as Hollywood flicks!

Haha, they're not win glasses! Never heard of cupping? It's a therapy used to increase blood circulation, where you heat up glass to create vacuums. Well maybe I wouldn't know either if my sister wasn't working with such stuff....

Agreed, first time I watched them I was impressed but looking back I'm kinda disappointed, her attacks don't really seem to have any power. Never noticed she doesn't use her fists though, I think she does during some fights... well Chocolate might be work a watch anyway, but the rest of them... nah. Yeah Born to Fight is a favorite. The main actor there, can't recall the name, has been in pretty much all the same movies as Tony Jaa has, with minor roles. I hope he makes some more solo performances! Hah, it's like the opposite of 300! No excess muscle, no green screen, no cgi, no wires, just straight-up action!

Not familiar with the actor, but I think you mean Ron Smoorenburg. He's been in plenty of martial arts movies apparently, and worked with many of the before-mentioned fighters. That's pretty cool! So the movie is pretty low budget then. I noticed Jackie Chan also partially directed the movie. The punches were all real? How about the rest of his movies?

Never heard of cupping before. Looks really painful! I'd rather get a normal hickey hehe.

I think she did use her fists once or twice in those scenes, although it might have been her elbows. Of course I can't really judge her style from just watching these scenes, but yeah. Haha you've got a point there, straight up action indeed!

Ah, that's the guy. Looks like he's been in quite a few action flicks I haven't seen yet... and a few I have seen that I can't recall seeing him in! Indeed. Only Swedish martial artist (in the movie biz) I know of is this guy: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1940624/

And he's Asian. :/ Still in some pretty good movies though. Btw, Scott Adkins is another persona to keep track of, the recent 'Ninja: Shadow of a Tear' movie was great. Back in the day all the American Ninja/Samurai movies were a bit of a joke... buuuut times are changing. :)

Not sure if ALL the punches are real - if it looks like it hits then it probably does, but the kicks are much easier to dampen. Yeah, it applies to his older movies too (probably not the new Hollywood ones), it's a trademark of his that the action's usually as real as it looks (though they do use mattresses for falls, wires to pull the legs out from under people, partially saw furniture in pieces so it breaks easy, place coins under glass sheets so they break (the use plenty of real glass btw) etc - plenty of low-budget tricks).

Haha, getting kicked into a wall is probably painful even without the cupping. :) Well it feels better than it looks, might leave bruise-looking marks because the blood's drawn to the surface, but circulation definitely improves. lol, it's like the biological form of cupping. :P

Muai Thai has a lot of focus on elbows and knees, so... yeah, plenty of elbows. :) 300 was pretty cool btw, in case that comment below seemed to say something different. :P But seeing fights and stunts you know are authentic... there's something special about that!

Lots of stuff to check, lots of stuff to check. Too much stuff to check in fact :) Pretty cool how there's martial arts moviestars from Sweden too. So with the movies they make nowadays there's no people getting a beating at all? Wait, does Jackie Chan even still make movies? How old is he anyway? 300 was great yeah. I see what you mean.

So it's reached that point has it. :) I should be spending time on other tasks too, but do let me know if you watch some of these. I just saw Hitman (1998) yesterday, another great flick with Jet Li. Not much traditional fighting but plenty of action - and an intriguing plot.

In them Hollywood blockbusters its all fake, but there are still plenty of more low-budget movies being made where it's half-real. In places like Thailand and HK they're still working as they used to... on a lower budget, unintentionally hurting people every once in a while. :) Tony Jaa's first movies were made in the 2000s btw, and they're as real as they get.

Yeah, Jackie's only... 60 years old! Danny Trejos a decade older. :) Jackie looks older though, IMHO, probably all them injuries over the years taking their toll. I hope they both live long and make many more sequels though! Feels like a lot of great martial artists are growing old, and there aren't enough replacements... yet. :/