Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




Joined on 1/17/04

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63,956 / 100,000
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12y 1m 23d


What do you consider your greatest achievement and what is your top goal... on Newgrounds and off?

My greatest achievement on NG was probably getting pentalisted recently, and my top goal... hmm. It might be getting hexalisted, or getting to the top of all lists, or getting to level 60, or just putting stats aside and spending effort on creative work that I'm proud of.

As for life, my greatest achievement so far might be the woodshed I timbered by hand last summer. It's not very big or complex, but it's a stable construction that will probably still be standing long after me, and it was made without any motorized tools. :) As for my top goal, I've been searching for one the past few years, still haven't found it.

Do you like to party?

I'm a quite quiet and contained individual so... hell yeah! :D

What's the best number there is?


Okay, how do you think about NG BBS regulars?

All the really regular regulars that have been regulars for a long time are awesome. :)
And some of the new ones.

Why is your username Cyberdevil?

I used to play Doom a lot, and when I signed up here the viciously demonic Cyberdemon was fresh on my mind. Also because it sounded cool. Considering how much time I spend on cyberspace it's still fitting. :)

And I still play Doom.

Q: how are you?

Great! Thanks for asking. :) You?

Where do you find the time to statwhore...?

I prioritize. Studies? Nah, NG gives me a much bigger sense of accomplishment. :) Maybe when I get a real job I won't have any real time, better live in the moment!

how do you feel about the illegality of spcyhadelic mind opening drugs ?

I don't really do spcyhadelic mind opening drugs so I don't mind them being illegal. They should legalize pot though, worldwide, the governments could profit from it too.

Are you looking forward to the new "Evil Dead" movie?

I didn't even know about it! I am now. :)

What did you think of the Doom Film they made a few years back?

I was disappointed, since it barely had any relation to the classic games at all. As a movie it wasn't bad, but as a game-based interpretation it's horrible. Doom 3 moved away a little bit from the classic plot, and moved from carnage to stealth, but it still featured familiar monsters and locations, and similar scenery. The movie didn't have any of the classic game elements in it. All cybernetic demons were missing, the imps weren't imps (they're just 'impish' in nature). It was more of a zombie movie than anything Doom related. I would've enjoyed it if it wasn't supposed to be based on the game. :/

Eh Im ok

That's good. :P

Cat or Dog? Star Trek or Star Wars? What are the last three websites in your browser history besides newgrounds?

Dog. Star Wars. Gmail, Google & CyberD.

top ten first person shooters?

Hmm, tough question. Right now these are the ones I recall, but I'm probably forgetting at least a couple of classics:

1. Oni
2. Doom 1/2
4. Resident Evil 1/2/3
5. Parasite Eve 2
6. Metal Slug
7. Quake 2
8. Half-Life 2
9. Goldeneye
10. Doom 3

I've been made aware that half of those games aren't strictly FPS. :P So, here's a new top 10 with hopefuly only FPS games in it:

1. Doom 1/2
2. Resident Evil 4
3. Quake 2
4. Half-Life 2
5. SiN Episodes
6. Goldeneye
7. Max Payne 1/2
8. Unreal
9. Doom 3
10. 8-Bit Killer

How are you with machinery or computers?

I'm good at using computers; not very experienced with building them, or any other machinery for that matter, not even cars. ;) Hopefully I will be eventually!

GTASA and Parasite Eve aren't first person shooters :) and yes Doom is badass, the movie was nothing like the game at all, unfortunately. I actually was in the process of writing a script for a movie, very loosely based on the plot for Doom 2, but this time including all the original monsters, such as cyberdemon, archville, the guy that throws homing missiles and such.

Huh, looks like they're sorted as action-roleplay and action-adventure. I guess it's the same thing with Resident Evil and Oni, hmm. It appears I've been bunching pretty much all action games in the same genre. :)

Sounds awesome. Is the script going to be used for something or just stay in written form?

I'm bored so I probably have a lot of questions I could ask, most of which game related.

Do you have a Steam account and if so, what games?

Go ahead, ask! ;)

As for Steam, I don't have an account. I'm actually a bit against the whole concept of collecting all games on a single interface and being reliant of that interface to play or attain games. I'm a big fan of GOG though. Are you interested in that collection? Also like buying obscure games second hand hoping I'll find some old gems I haven't heard of yet, but mostly I stick to old favorites. :)

GOG is a good site but I'll never fully appreciate their work until they get Metal Fatigue on there.

You mention old gems, which in particular? The ones I like to play are Populous the Beginning, Metal Fatigue, Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (Original, not the Price of Loyalty expansion one with that cd opera music) Gangsters 2 and.... the Daedalus Encounter

Never heard of that one, but there are a few other classics they're still missing. All idSoftware games for one, like Doom, Quake, Castle Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, etcetc, and capcom games like Resident Evil. Maybe the demand isn't as high for those since they can all be played on modern computers anyway...

Doom is the biggest old gem of all! But apart from that: Mega Race, Aladdin, Space Junkie, Day of the Tentacle, Serious Sam (if that can be considered old yet), the Ultima series, Worms... that's all I can think of right now. I bought Populous a while back, though I still haven't played it yet. Oh, Abuse! I haven't played that in ages, it used to be a favorite...

You've not played Populous? You need to, great little RTS game. I'd play you online if I thought you'd be interested. Worms was great too but which Aladdin do you mean? snes or genesis?

Well since it's a Q&A how about a real question, do you enjoy RTS games? If so which ones :> (Like Starcraft 2 etc)

I tend to stay away from those kinds of games since RTS is a time-consuming genre. But I will play Populous, someday, eventually, thanks for the offer! I actually haven't played any real games in a few weeks, too much else going on.

It was the PC version of Aladdin, which I assume is ported from one of the consoles you mentioned. Is there a big difference? It was a surprisingly fun platformer, considering it's so old.

I haven't honestly played any RTS for enough time to get any favorites. I've tried Starcraft (also the Broodwar expansion) and Warcraft and Red Alert and a bundle of similar games, but I didn't stick to any of them. Not to say I don't enjoy them, I've just always chosen racing or shooters over strategy games when I had to choose. In school we actually played Sim City (does that fit in the RTS genre?) during class, for educational/recreational purposes. In elementary they had Sim Ant installed everywhere, so those are probably the games I've played the most of.

RTS isn't that much of a time sink, it's Turn Based you have to worry about. There is a big difference between teh 2 aladdin games though, the snes one was all about platforming (and is considered the better fo the 2) while the genesis one gave you a sword to attack with.

Starcraft+BroodWar is the most famous RTS there is but I wouldn't call Sim City an RTS, not in the traditional sense. I'd say it was a strategy sim. SimAnt is more of an RTS (I think I still have it on cd somewhere)

If you do feel up to multiplayer play then it wouldn't be too hard, Hamachi would be the way to go probably.

Most RTS games are built in a way that you can keep playing forever though, I like to play games till there's more to play so there's a risk they would be time-consuming for me. :) As for Aladdin, I don't remember a sword, so I guess it was the good version. Groovy!

Thin line between the genres. :)

Will have to take a rain check on that for now, but it would be fun sometime.

How many roads must a man walks down, before he can call himself a man?


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